Post Your Overclock! [2]

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  1. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    rodpgfx said:
    Do you mean processor?
    I have i7 3770k
    right now i'm running it at 4.6 ghz at 1.25V and thats far enough for me :)
    Not that up on overvolting everything.
    Would like to learn though
    Ok just noticed two types of CPU's listed didn't want to tell you the wrong advice you know also noticed you posted FX chip overclock that kinda threw me off a bit
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    what is fx chip? the igpu?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 27,065
    Windows 11 Pro

    Basically, the Bulldozer you have listed in your system specs.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    LOL. Sorry, still asleep!
    Yeah, my other chip i used to have was the 8120.
    My daughter has it now, and I loved it.
    When and IF they come out with better to kick intel's ass, i'll go back to AMD.
    Got pretty good with their stuff
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    I could OC my Phenoms fairly well but still lack the Intels in performance. One of AMD's downfall is their memory controller Which can struggle with all slots populated at times.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    I used to have phenom also. x6 1100T
    I could get more OC out of the bulldozer though, but the phenom was stronger.

    I squeezed a bit more out of my intel. That's it, I'm satisfied

    CPU-Z Validator 3.1
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    rodpgfx said:
    I used to have phenom also. x6 1100T
    I could get more OC out of the bulldozer though, but the phenom was stronger.

    I squeezed a bit more out of my intel. That's it, I'm satisfied

    CPU-Z Validator 3.1
    Very nice

    The 8350 I'm runing overclocks nicely im sure i can go up if i added that extra juice which scares me I also have a 8120 just chillen in my MSI board all i need is some ram and watercooler and decent HD and it will be alive everything else is there spare 6870 and a 700 watt Psu
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    is the 8350 the same chipset as the 8120? I thought that 8150 was as high as I could go, thats why i went with intel
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    rodpgfx said:
    is the 8350 the same chipset as the 8120? I thought that 8150 was as high as I could go, thats why i went with intel
    Yes Fx8350 same chipset

    Nope they released the 8350 about a month in a half ago for 199.99 alot cheaper then the 8150 when it came out

    All you did with the 8350 was update the Bios and you are good to go if you didn't look at my post on overclocking that chip you might want to go and take a look it isn't a intel basher but it can hang with a 3770k on multi threaded apps but it is supposed to be in competition with the 3570k either way it is solid for my needs post 223 and 224
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    Crazy how how difference there is in the two. I'm used to AMD now, and I could OC that board to almost 280 if I wanted to. I'd like to know how high would be optimal for this sabertooth Z77 to go. I'd like to get better than 1:7 ratio on my ram
      My Computer

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