Remember that movie what about Bob lol
Last edited by Solarstarshines; 04 Feb 2013 at 11:01.
Remember that movie what about Bob lol
Last edited by Solarstarshines; 04 Feb 2013 at 11:01.
I keep seeing these Cinebench scores, I was a Cinebench newbie.
I downloaded and ran it. CPU at 4.5ghz, GPU at stock settings. I don't know what to make of the numbers. Any good?
Very good score mate, Proppa job
Edit: here's a thread a few of you maybe interested in
He's just bought an 8350 for his next tests
Last edited by ganjiry; 03 Feb 2013 at 11:21.
I've been having a play again today and tweaked my cpu a bit and it seems that although i've had stable oc's with this cpu. I've not been giving it enough juice on both the v-core and cpu/nb.
Thanks to Tommy for clearing that one up I remeber a post where you said that cpu/nb voltage helped in Cinebench. Score's improved more so in the Open Gl than cpu but an ok little increase.
Here's my latest but still at 4.4Ghz.. Max temp during IBT 45c still
Cinebench Cpu = 5.40,
Open Gl = 50.67,
Memory read, write,copy and latency all improved too @ stock timming's.
I thought about trying to oc my gpu's but after some time on google it seems my kelper boost is already pretty high @ 1175Mhz. So thought i may struggle to get much more out of them. They're not quite hitting the 100% power target even if i raise it. I haven't got the 4pin ez plug connected on my mobo yet though. So maybe that could be why?
I'm not aiming anywhere near the levels some of you do but i'm starting to enjoy it now i'm putting some effort in. I've not got the patience usually.
Cheers folks
Solar, thanks for all the help you give around here. I tried to rep you, but it will have to wait, I guess.