Post Your Overclock! [2]

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  1. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    Your vddc is already at 1.175v. That's already 'max safe' for these cards. Pushing past that is diminished returns for a lot of effort (Ie bios modding)

    Keep it up mate :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    smarteyeball said:
    Your vddc is already at 1.175v. That's already 'max safe' for these cards. Pushing past that is diminished returns for a lot of effort (Ie bios modding)

    Keep it up mate :)
    Yeah i know mate kepler's are locked @ that bar some Gigabyte cards and modding/ changing bios's is not something i'm interested in. I was just seeing what they could do for the sake of it as there is no point to overclocking them really.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6,075
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    ganjiry said:
    smarteyeball said:
    Your vddc is already at 1.175v. That's already 'max safe' for these cards. Pushing past that is diminished returns for a lot of effort (Ie bios modding)

    Keep it up mate :)
    Yeah i know mate kepler's are locked @ that bar some Gigabyte cards and modding/ changing bios's is not something i'm interested in. I was just seeing what they could do for the sake of it as there is no point to overclocking them really.
    I got a modded bios for my 660ti mate, only unlocked it to 1.2v iirc. I still couldn't overclock the card more than a few mhz. Waste of time so I flashed it back.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    paulpicks21 said:
    ganjiry said:
    smarteyeball said:
    Your vddc is already at 1.175v. That's already 'max safe' for these cards. Pushing past that is diminished returns for a lot of effort (Ie bios modding)

    Keep it up mate :)
    Yeah i know mate kepler's are locked @ that bar some Gigabyte cards and modding/ changing bios's is not something i'm interested in. I was just seeing what they could do for the sake of it as there is no point to overclocking them really.
    I got a modded bios for my 660ti mate, only unlocked it to 1.2v iirc. I still couldn't overclock the card more than a few mhz. Waste of time so I flashed it back.
    I've seen plenty of horror stories regarding flashing gpu bios's but even without those stories i still wouldn't. I'm pretty much guarantee that my cpu bottlenecks my cards anyway so there's n point. It was just nice to see what they could do @ stock voltages They went straight back to stock after benching too
    It's mad how far some peeps go to wring that last few Mhz out enit lols
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 545
    Windows 10 Technical Preview - x64

    I can definitely understand the hesitation, but now it seems to be far more "safe" now than it would have been several years ago.

    Then at the same I see the other reason why you don't want to do it, so I'm making moot points aren't I?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    It would be just my luck something would die a death on me lol. I can see why people overclock/ bench though as it's good to see what results you can get with a bit of tweaking. Then it's i wonder if i can beat that and so the slippery slope begins
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 545
    Windows 10 Technical Preview - x64

    We've all been there and will be there again.

    It's in our nature. And I need to overclock something now. :)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Terronium 12 said:
    We've all been there and will be there again.

    It's in our nature. And I need to overclock something now. :)
    I'm using a modded bios with my two 7850's. It works like a charm, and there were very little chances of bricking the cards, since they have a dual bios chip. If something went wrong I could have switched to the secondary bios and reflash the primary with the one I'd saved. So if your cards have dual bios, I'd think it is not very risky to try a modded one.

    I'm afraid I'm becoming an OC junky too! And since I'm such a noob (basically ignorant) I do things without much regard for involved risks. So far I haven't bricked or fried anything (fingers crossed).
    Ignorance is bliss some times, or so my GF tells me!


      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,663
    Windows 8.1 Pro x64

    Bungee18 said:
    Terronium 12 said:
    We've all been there and will be there again.

    It's in our nature. And I need to overclock something now. :)
    I'm using a modded bios with my two 7850's. It works like a charm, and there were very little chances of bricking the cards, since they have a dual bios chip. If something went wrong I could have switched to the secondary bios and reflash the primary with the one I'd saved. So if your cards have dual bios, I'd think it is not very risky to try a modded one.

    I'm afraid I'm becoming an OC junky too! And since I'm such a noob (basically ignorant) I do things without much regard for involved risks. So far I haven't bricked or fried anything (fingers crossed).
    Ignorance is bliss some times, or so my GF tells me!


    Did you notice much performance difference after the BIOS mod? I've got a 7850 as well so I'm tempted. I tried to OC the card but I never managed to get it stable and it made my display cut to a grey screen so much.
      My Computer

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