Thank you Steve.
Going to give it a few days for the fresh thermal paste to set up, and then see how far it can go. Hopefully from what I can see elsewhere based on vcore to get there, I should be able to get to 4.8 - 5.0 with the vcore under 1.4V.
That sounds great. Maybe you got one of the 'Golden Chips'. I've never had one. I have to 'kick mine in the tail' to make them go very high.
Nice oc Stormy
I recommend running some games too as my 8350 would pass stress tests all day long with a low vcore but consantly crash out in some games. Solarstarshine pointed me in the right direction though and it seems this cpu needs more vcore. For instance 4.6Ghz could be as high as 1.464v. At the moment i'm running 4.75 at 1.47v.
Here's my latest :)
There's another little competition going on in the ROG forums "Summer sizzler" and this is where i'm at sofar.
Edit: @Solarstarshine, check the HWinfo screenie
Very impressive Ryan
Does the Firestrike test not work with SLI? As it shows you as running it with X1 card.