Yes I do I get half of what I been getting but with one card at 1920/1080 I'm getting 87 fps
that is still good for a single card slightly up-clocked
What I am going to do is go to the store and get a set of screw drivers that will fit these little screws and change the thermal paste
I seriously think that paste is all it needs because it boots and runs fine just it get's hella hot fast which is telling me the paste is old and not working
Last edited by Solarstarshines; 16 Aug 2013 at 08:02.
The monitor i'm looking for info on is the Hanns-G HL231
They have a fair bit of backlight bleeding through when i use black wallpapers but no matter how high the fps reads i've not once seen any tearing. Hanns.G HL231 monitor review