Ok I got this guy under 1.3 v-core levels out at 1.280-1.288-1.296 offset 0.120+
Last edited by Solarstarshines; 29 Aug 2013 at 00:12.
Ok I got this guy under 1.3 v-core levels out at 1.280-1.288-1.296 offset 0.120+
Last edited by Solarstarshines; 29 Aug 2013 at 00:12.
Really nice job Tommy. Just a tip, it's not a good idea to run two temp monitors, it can cause erroneous readings, or so I'm told.
I hope my 4770K does as well.
That's great, Tommy. Everything looks great for you. Look at your VID in core temp. What was it while running IBT? Those temps look real good under that overclock. Very well done. Now if it can take an extended test with Prime ot AIDA, I would say your CPU is excellent. Wish mine were half that good.
Steve, the newer batches of IB chips seem to have a much lower VID than ours do. I've noticed that looking at a few examples on here.
When you are stressing it, what is the range on the VID Tommy? For instance, mine flutters around between 1.2510 and 1.2660. I bet yours, besides being much lower than the older chips, moves around much less as well.