Show Us Your Rig [4]

  1. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    Bungee18 said:
    Hey, I have a new badge!!!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    A Guy said:
    Except, I believe that is where the buffalo roam...

    A Guy
    ♫ Give me a home, where the buffalo roam ♫ ...and I'll show you a big mess!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    Gratz on your new badge Juan
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 474
    Windows 10 64Bit

    Ready? Going to post my two awesome computers. Sure you will lol.. promise..
    Let's sing it together then! EEEEEEEEY SEXY CABELS!
    Took with my phone. sorry for the quality.
    Old computer: Show Us Your Rig [4]-20130317_200901.jpg
    Show Us Your Rig [4]-20130317_200805.jpg
    Show Us Your Rig [4]-20130317_200822.jpg
    My laptop. i am using now... note the usb fan for extra cooling XD: Show Us Your Rig [4]-20130317_200749.jpg
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    Thread Starter

    Your rig is a study in cable management ! lol The new rig is going to be way different I'm guessing?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 474
    Windows 10 64Bit

    linnemeyerhere said:
    Your rig is a study in cable management ! lol The new rig is going to be way different I'm guessing?
    You know what. everything is different from that.. And yeah XD i will fix it... but i dont really care right now.

    And yeah wow. when im going to start with the new rig. it will be cable management! Now. i just hooked up the laptop to get rid of the sound from it while playing. had it on my desk before.. didnt like the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sound in the ear all the time.

    Think i'll try fix the cables right now :P
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    Thread Starter

    Cable management doesn't make the rigs run any better for sure !
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 474
    Windows 10 64Bit

    linnemeyerhere said:
    Cable management doesn't make the rigs run any better for sure !
    No but they look a bit nicer than this... hehe
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 474
    Windows 10 64Bit

    linnemeyerhere said:
    Your rig is a study in cable management ! lol The new rig is going to be way different I'm guessing?
    Ok.. nope couldnt fix the cablechaos under my desk. and my desktop comp. if you coud i whould whant you to feal how HARD that cable mass is.. tryed to move it to be able too look on the motherboard more... couldnt get it to move at all... typical premade computers from normal stores...
    Atleast its nice looking on top of the desk
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    @ Lady Fitzgerald and Ryan, Thank you!

      My Computer


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