Show Us Your Rig [4]

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  1. Posts : 4,198
    Windows 10 Pro

    Alsisgevat said:

    Boogieboy- Very Nice rig!

    And on both your and paulstung's rigs , And as the others have said, I too like the big window!
    Thanks Alsisgevat
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    linnemeyerhere said:
    Well I've pulled the trigger on a new case, so when it arrives in a month (backed ordered) I'll have some new pictures to show you all. Finally my case will have proper cable management, filtration, and a huge window. Thought I was headed toward a Corsair, but no I've ordered a brand new CoolerMaster Storm Stryker.
    That is a big honkin' Case Alan. You'll need a new desk too.
    Newegg has it in stock for $160.
    The guy in the video yakked for 6 minutes before opening the case.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    Thread Starter

    New Egg also charges CA sales tax and 25.00 S&H.....yikes. Yeah that chap has a way of dragging anything out, I do find him informative and you should see his Storm Trooper review. As for fitting under my desk it will and it will even sit on a roller stand. I'm going to try a top intake for the H100 with cool air blowing through the rad into the case then have one rear 140mm exhaust with a floor mounted 140mm intake and the two 120mm's blowing across the hard drives or possibly turning one cage to intake from the front
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    linnemeyerhere said:
    ...Yeah that chap has a way of dragging anything out, I do find him informative and you should see his Storm Trooper review...
    No kidding he drags things out. I got tired pretty quickly trying to stay with him for both videos and gave up a few minutes in.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,660
    Windows 8 Pro (32-bit)

    Which is why I hate hate hate video reviews. Writtent articles are awesome because they can be corrected easily, and you can scan them for interesting/relevant tidbits.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    Thread Starter

    Ok so you can comparison review the video reviews.
    Cooler Master CM Storm Stryker Case Review |
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    FuturDreamz said:
    Which is why I hate hate hate video reviews. Writtent articles are awesome because they can be corrected easily, and you can scan them for interesting/relevant tidbits.
    I've seen many video reviews that conveyed more information than could be conveyed from even a well illustrated article. That guy, however, seemed to just like to hear himself talk. At the least, he needed a script to follow.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 27,060
    Windows 11 Pro

    Lady Fitzgerald said:
    FuturDreamz said:
    Which is why I hate hate hate video reviews. Writtent articles are awesome because they can be corrected easily, and you can scan them for interesting/relevant tidbits.
    I've seen many video reviews that conveyed more information than could be conveyed from even a well illustrated article. That guy, however, seemed to just like to hear himself talk. At the least, he needed a script to follow.
    Yes, I've watched him in several reviews, but he does recognize a lot of things others leave out and has very thorough reviews. If you can get through his self promotion. But, I like his reviews. I like to see it rather than read about it, or worse yet, find out for myself after buying the case.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 93
    windows home premium 64bit

    Show Us Your Rig [4]-309247_4049434946816_1287615254_n.jpg Some more power for my rig
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 27,060
    Windows 11 Pro

    Niklu said:
    Some more power for my rig
    You mean it wasn't powerful enough already? Looks great! I think it would be better if you sent one of the 690's to me.
      My Computer

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