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  1. Posts : 12,177
    Windows 7 Ult x64 - SP1/ Windows 8 Pro x64

    Thanks guys.

    My last SSD was an Intel X25-M 120GB on an Intel SATA II port, so the 840Pro on a SATA III port does seem noticeably faster. Was going to get an 830 but they were out of stock so got the 840Pro
    From the research I did, the difference between the 830 and 840Pro would only be noticeable in benchmarks, so if you have an 830 I wouldn't worry about upgrading. Unless you have to have the latest.

    The Nocs are great, even with the color, wouldn't trade them for anything.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 53,405
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Looks great Dave. Yeah, I like seeing the tan and brown Nocs, you know your covered for cooling

    A Guy
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    Aparantly the Corsair Air series fans are on par with the Noctua's but 2 for the price of 1 Noc
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    essenbe said:
    Lady Fitzgerald, I'm surprised to find someone as fanatic as me. But, forget images. I have 2 drives and use Paragon Migrate. It is made especially for SSDs, but will work on spinners just as well. I clone my OS to another drive at least once a week, alternating weeks between drives. So, I always have 2 copies of my OS. If my drive died tonight, I wouldn't even lose an email, and would be back up and running in less than 5 minutes. To me, that is well worth the $19.95 it costs. Yes, I have a lot of hard drives. I think I should get some more. I'm sure I would find a use for them. Actually, I have been waiting for them to drop in price, back to where they were.
    Mayhap we value our data more than most people. I'm trying to be as paperless as possible since it takes up less space, can be backed up easily, and is easier to organize. The only paper documents I keep as paper are the ones I'm legally required to keep, such as my birth certificate (it seems silly I have prove to someone I was born; like I was hatched?), titles, some receipts for warranties (for the anal companies that won't accept a copy of a receipt), etc. (and all of those are copied). I've ripped all my CDs to large bit rate mp3s and will be ripping all my DVDs and copying my VHS tapes (I'll keep the original disks for a while until I am sure the copies are good, then they will be destroyed since I don't have room for them). I've scanned a little over half of my huge book collection since I don't have room for them and I will NOT give them up. The scanning process involves cutting off the spines so they are automatically destroyed in the process. I can't afford to not be anal about backups!

    In addition to multiple backups (all media can fail so redundancy is vital), having backups in multiple locations is vital. For example, if one has all of their backups in their home, a fire, flood, theft, etc. can cause total loss. Having at least one backup offsite will help to prevent total loss. The problem with most offsite backups (such as keeping HDDs in a bank vault) is the media still can fail and the backups are almost always out of data. Hence the need for the redundancy of both onsite and offsite backups.

    Using the cloud for backups is usually the most up to date backup one can have since the backup usually takes place either immediately or soon after the data is created, especially if the software is set to do the backups automatically. The downside of cloud backups is a lack of security (unless the data is encrypted before uploading), the large use of bandwidth (which can knock some users out of the water due to usage caps), and instability. Free cloud storage sites are infamous for disappearing with little or no warning. Some sites are unrealiable (such as CrashPlan; their servers are notoriously slow although using the service to reciprocally store encrypted data on another person's computer seems to work well). Mozy was comparable to Carbonite until recently when Mozy dropped their unlimited data plan. I still use Carbonite to back up my desktop (I don't keep much data on my notebook and none of it is critical although I still back it up just to make restoration easier and faster). Still, even Carbonite has been known to lose data (rare but it does happen) and they could always go belly up. Also, recovering a few TB of data from them would take forever (and I'm pushing 64, I don't have much time left!) or expensive if I had them mail me HDDs with my data on them. Carbonite is still useful as an always up to date offsite back up to replace lost data an out of date HHD setting in a bank vault might be missing. Again, no matter the backup scheme, onsite and offsite redundancy is vital to avoid total data loss.

    I experimented with clones initially—what could be faster than swapping out HDDs?—but backups always took too long since they always had to be full backups so I switched to images since I can use incremental or differential backups with them). I'm using the paid version of Macrium Reflect. I make a full backup roughly once a week (right now, I'm probably going to extend that interval because it takes too long to do a full backup) and, anytime I put vital data on a machine, I do a differential back up. The only thing a differential backup backs up is data that was added or changed since the last full backup (incrementals back up data added or changed since the last incremental backup). All the backup images have to be present for recovery but I keep each set of associated images in their own folder so that isn't an issue. I never modify original files, working from copies instead, so versioning isn't an issue (if I lose a file completely, it stays on Carbonite for at least a month anyway). Not having to frequently make full back ups save me a lot of time (yeah, I'm lazy) and my HDDS a lot of wear and tear.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    essenbe said:
    Nice job, Dave. Real clean and neat. No doubt you will love the rig and the Noctua fans are fantastic. The color kind of grows on you, but the performance is unquestioned and unheard. I've had to open the case to make sure they are still running. All around great job. I'm anxious to hear whether you think the Samsung 840 Pro is worth the extra money over the 830.
    The warranty increase from three years to five years alone should make the extra money worth it (it better, I've got one the way!).
    Last edited by Lady Fitzgerald; 05 Jan 2013 at 15:19. Reason: Cranial flatulence
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 27,059
    Windows 11 Pro

    If the 840 is as reliable as the 830 has been, you will not be disappointed.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Dave76 said:
    Just upgraded to an i5 3570k, Gigabyte Z77X UD3H and a Samsung 840Pro 128GB.
    Found a slim fan for the top case, the CPU cooler and both fans now fit inside the case.
    Attachment 248646
    Nice rig Dave!
    Is that an H80 you are running with the nocs?
    I'm trying to decide between an Antec 620, an H70 core, an H80 and and H100. How does the thing with the performance setting button on the pump work? You have to change it all the time or you just set it to, let's say medium, and leave it be?
    Are your nocs connected to the fan control on the pump/cold plate or to a fan header on your mobo?
    Are the stock fans very noisy?
    I'm asking because in a week or so I will take the whole thing apart when I get a new mobo, and I might as well change the cooler and get done with it all at the same time.
    Thanks and sorry for flooding you with questions.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    Thread Starter

    I've found that with Noctua fans you can run the Corsair pump at performance and the fans at full 12 volt either off the PSU or the mobo fan headers and you won't hear a thing with the side panels on. My H100 with four Noc's and in Performance makes so little noise that it makes no sense to throttle the pump or fans back.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    linnemeyerhere said:
    I've found that with Noctua fans you can run the Corsair pump at performance and the fans at full 12 volt either off the PSU or the mobo fan headers and you won't hear a thing with the side panels on. My H100 with four Noc's and in Performance makes so little noise that it makes no sense to throttle the pump or fans back.
    Thanks Alan.
    Noctuas are difficult to come by down here, so I'll probably get some DeepCools, Spectre Pros or NZXTs performance, wich are the best you can get in these latitudes. They are mcuch noisier than Noctuas though.
    Should I run them through the connector on the pump assembly or through a mobo header so they can be regulated?
    Is your airflow through the radiator sucking air from outside the case or from within the case?
    Does having push/pull on the H100 make a big difference?
    One more question and that's all, I promise: is the connector on the H100 3 pin or 4 pin (PWM). Corsair's site does not specify.
    Thanks again,
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    Thread Starter

    Any good premium fan that has good static pressure will do but the quieter the better. Nocuta's are by no means the only game in town. I've tried with outside air pushed through and then pulled into the case as well as case air pushed then pulled out the top and or back when using the H100 or the H50 unit's. I'm now running the H100 with only two fans and my new favorite the Thermaltake Extreme running only two fans again. My goal was to run both with 4 fans but to my amazement the huge cases wouldn't allow what my previous Thermaltake Element V did with ease? In reality I think push pull barely does anything but add cost and slightly higher noise and energy use. Then regarding the connector on the H100 pump, yes I run the fans both on the H100 and the Thermaltake Extreme this way and it works fine and keeps the wiring a bit cleaner in the case sometimes. Regarding the flow of the air again it makes little difference and more has to do with if you like positive pressure inside the case or not. All things being equal I'm currently liking cool air into the case exhausting over the ram them being pulled out the back of the case via a 140mm Noc.
      My Computer

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