Show Us Your Rig [6]

  1. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    And 16gb at 2400 for 140.00 wow !
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 27,034
    Windows 11 Pro

    Nice parts,,Alan. I still can't get over that pencil sized motherboard. That's really neat. What case and CPU cooler are you going to use? It's going to be a different type build for you. I know you'll have fun. I also know I don't need to ask you for pictures. That's a build that deserves a build log with lots of pictures and explanation. I can't wait.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    It's going in this case and using the H80i as I wanted front fans and a drive cage plus the single 5.25 for the optical. If I'd given up on either or both then huge rad. options avail themselves.

    In black
    Last edited by linnemeyerhere; 04 Jan 2014 at 11:37.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27,034
    Windows 11 Pro

    Nice case, Alan. If you could live with 3 hard drive cages, I think you could get a 240 mm rad in there. A couple of SSDs to go along with the drives should work good. You can put an SSD almost anywhere. Looks like a fun build.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    N00berG00ber said:
    ganjiry said:
    N00berG00ber said:
    almost completed. have to RMA the mobo. but other than that, its done!
    looking good mate, very tidy build

    What's wrong with the mobo then?
    its not displaying my voltages or allowing me to change any settings.
    Unlucky chap, I hope you get it replaced quickly.

    essenbe said:
    You should have taken the money back.

    linnemeyerhere said:
    I look forward to the build pic's chap and good luck with the build
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6,075
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    linnemeyerhere said:
    Very nice Alan, I look forward to seeing it built mate
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    linnemeyerhere - Thats an awesome chassis! Looking forward to the build, grats!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 25,847
    Windows 10 Pro. 64/ version 1709 Windows 7 Pro/64

    essenbe said:
    Gary, you need to throw EVGA in there. They have excellent support. Believe it or not, I even had a tech support call me back at 9PM on a Sunday night to see if the problem was resolved. Now, that's good tech support.
    When I build another computer EVGA is going to be at the top of my list.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 25,847
    Windows 10 Pro. 64/ version 1709 Windows 7 Pro/64

    I looking and I can't find what case is this case.
    Where did you post what case you are going to use?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 27,034
    Windows 11 Pro

    Jack, I think it is this case, they come in a lot of colors, but I think this is what he was going to usw.
    BitFenix Prodigy Midnight Black / Black Steel / Plastic Mini-ITX Tower Computer Case -
      My Computer


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