Show Us Your Rig [6]

  1. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Hello Guys!
    Long time no see...
    Between surgery (spent 17 days in the hospital) and holiday season, I wasn't able to find much time to do anything but recover and work.

    Here are some pics of a rig we delivered yesterday which I really enjoyed building and has become my personal favorite. An instant classic, at least in my book!

    I hope you like it.

    Alan, love the Prodigy build! I've been meaning to do one myself for a while, but haven't found the time or a customer wanting one. It is an amazing case and you are doing an outstanding job!

    Steve, Ganji and Paul, I have to make a trip to the post office on Friday or next Monday, so I'll make sure to take care of way overdue debts.

    Steve, how are you doing Friend? Moved your rig to the 810?

    Tommy, How's Intel treating you?

    Lady F, still working you magic with cables?

    How's the rest of the wild bunch? Gary, John, Alsis, et al?

    Here's the pics.


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your Rig [6]-1.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [6]-2.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [6]-3.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [6]-8.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [6]-14.jpg  

    Show Us Your Rig [6]-19.jpg  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,915
    Windows 10 Pro X64

    You make some amazing builds
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Dude said:
    You make some amazing builds
    Thank you Doug!!!

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27,065
    Windows 11 Pro

    Good seeing you, my friend. You do some great builds. That looks just like we've come to expect from you. Yes, I have a system in my 810, I'm building one now in the Phantels Enthoo Primo. Waiting on a couple of parts to be delivered. Seems I spend my life waiting on deliveries.. Actually, I'm rebuilding an old build with some new stuff added. But, it will never look as good as the work you do. I hope the surgery went OK. Good to see you again and hope to see you more often.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    essenbe said:
    Good seeing you, my friend. You do some great builds. That looks just like we've come to expect from you. Yes, I have a system in my 810, I'm building one now in the Phantels Enthoo Primo. Waiting on a couple of parts to be delivered. Seems I spend my life waiting on deliveries.. Actually, I'm rebuilding an old build with some new stuff added. But, it will never look as good as the work you do. I hope the surgery went OK. Good to see you again and hope to see you more often.
    Hi Steve! How are you friend?

    Thank you very much for your, as always, too kind words.

    Glad you moved to the 810! Were you able to fit the RX360 in the end?

    Phanteks makes some great cases, love them. What are you planning to fit inside it?

    Surgery went just fine, but what was to be one minor intervention and 3 days in the hospital turned out to be 3 very long surgeries and 17 days in bed!!!
    Thanks to the Great Architect of the Universe I'm back on my feet, working, and enjoying yet another sailing season down in the South Atlantic.


      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    Bungee18 said:
    Here are some pics of a rig we delivered yesterday which I really enjoyed building and has become my personal favorite. An instant classic, at least in my book!

    I hope you like it.
    What an impressive looking system. I love the color scheme. Very nice.

    Can't say I remember seeing any of your other systems or posts, but welcome back.

    To good health.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    sygnus21 said:
    Bungee18 said:
    Here are some pics of a rig we delivered yesterday which I really enjoyed building and has become my personal favorite. An instant classic, at least in my book!

    I hope you like it.
    What an impressive looking system. I love the color scheme. Very nice.

    Can't say I remember seeing any of your other systems or posts, but welcome back.

    To good health.

    Thank you Drew!

    Yeah, I don't think we've met before and that's because I haven't been checking in as often as my friends here deserve.

    Thanks for the welcome.

    Peace to you.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    As always, your work is outstanding. I'm sorry you had to spend so much time in the hospital, not to mention any all. I'm glad you are doing better and making us all look bad with your amazing builds (keep it up, it gives us something to aspire to!).

    I haven't done any hardware work at all other than put an SSD and more RAM in my notebook. I still need to reroute the front panel audio cable from my MOBO to my sound card and move a SATA cable from a Marvel port to an Intel port but my idiot hip has been misbehaving and doesn't like me standing for more than a few minutes at a time do I haven't bothered yet. If I wasn't so anal about cable management (when I was a kid, it was called lead dress; instead of sleeving, cables were laced, a dying art), it would be an easy job. Fortunately, it's not an urgent job.

    I won't being doing any more builds for a long time unless something blows up with my present rig; I've got way too much money in the little beast to be replacing it or making major upgrades anytime soon. I do need to add a TV tuner or two and, maybe, replace the internal card reader to free up a PCI-e slot but the only other significant change will probably be to add a 4TB HDD, probably later this year (which will cost another fortune since I will also need to buy an additional four 4TB HDDs for backups).
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 537
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Some pics of some other rigs we delivered recently.

    Bear with me!

    Hope you like them.


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your Rig [6]-1.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [6]-9.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [6]-5.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [6]-6.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [6]-10.jpg  

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 27,065
    Windows 11 Pro

    Bungee18 said:
    essenbe said:
    Good seeing you, my friend. You do some great builds. That looks just like we've come to expect from you. Yes, I have a system in my 810, I'm building one now in the Phantels Enthoo Primo. Waiting on a couple of parts to be delivered. Seems I spend my life waiting on deliveries.. Actually, I'm rebuilding an old build with some new stuff added. But, it will never look as good as the work you do. I hope the surgery went OK. Good to see you again and hope to see you more often.
    Hi Steve! How are you friend?

    Thank you very much for your, as always, too kind words.

    Glad you moved to the 810! Were you able to fit the RX360 in the end?

    Phanteks makes some great cases, love them. What are you planning to fit inside it?

    Surgery went just fine, but what was to be one minor intervention and 3 days in the hospital turned out to be 3 very long surgeries and 17 days in bed!!!
    Thanks to the Great Architect of the Universe I'm back on my feet, working, and enjoying yet another sailing season down in the South Atlantic.


    Juan, sure the RX360 fit, but I took it out for right now and put it in the Phanteks. I'm moving my Maximus V Extreme into the Phanteks with a 780 Classified. I have the RX360 in push/pull in the bottom and a UT60 360 in push/pull in the top. Just playing right now. If you could get one, I think you'd love the Phanteks.
      My Computer


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