Show Us Your Rig [6]

  1. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    Britton30 said:
    Don't they gripe and complain about his reviews at OCN?
    Don't know but the guy just seems to stumble all over the place. I've seen one of his other videos and quickly left it because of the same... just rambling and stumbling.

    He obviously knows what he's talking about but his presentation is horrid to the point of tuning him out.

    Anyway he did present some info in between his ramblings so I did get something out of it - Better cooling than the H100i (3-4 degrees). The larger rad may cause space issues for smaller cases, and there's no link software with this product.

    There :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    He's the type if you ask what is the time, he'll explain how to build a clock.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    LOL - that's exactly it
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27,060
    Windows 11 Pro

    I didn't watch the video, but I'll take a wild guess and say you are talking about Tom Logan, If you look up self promotion in the dictionary, his picture will be there. On to other things. As you guys/Gals know, I don't post many picture of my rig. I'm a lousy photographer and my camera is worse. But, the obligatory pictures.I just closed it up, but still have some work to do on it. but here they are. My Specs are fairly accurate.
    Show Us Your Rig [6]-fs.jpg

    Show Us Your Rig [6]-cl1.jpg

    Show Us Your Rig [6]-fr2.jpg

    Show Us Your Rig [6]-fr1.jpg
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    Now that is sweet!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 27,060
    Windows 11 Pro

    Thanks, Lady F.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    Nice pictures Steve, is that two big-honkin' radiators in there?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 27,060
    Windows 11 Pro

    Yes sir, it is.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    essenbe said:
    Yes sir, it is.
    I don't know who you're talking to, Sir? You need a plumbing degree to do that, good job.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    It's a most impressive rig and may I say your photographs skills are quite good. One of these days I'll jump into a full water loop and I will model mine from yours !
      My Computer


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