Nice job JackALope,Steve and Paul, Proper tidy
@Steve I did have the AX850 but got rid because of the issue with the cables.
She is very happy with the intel build. I'm liking mine too. I need to do some cleaning as the fan I had in the bottom sucked in all kinds of dust. I played around a little last night, it can OC better than my other but I don't think my cpu block has a good seating, temps are a little warmer. I used antec formula 6 paste. I will let it settle a couple of days, then re do if necessary. Then I can read up on the bios setting, man there are so many and I dont have a clue what some of them are. Here is a shot of it, its black with some red but my phone made it brown. Musst be cause its dirty Going from micro to full atx filled the case up, will upgrade that soon I hope.
I love the name for my BIOS
Last edited by Dude; 09 Nov 2013 at 15:00.
Thanks Paul. Anyone used antec formula 6. I wonder if it is that or a bad seat on the block. IBT spikes to 80 where before it was in the sixties. Maybe it will set after a little time?