Gelid even makes pci slot covers with filters on them, but I would think it would be better just to use solid ones.
GELID Solutions > Products
Gelid even makes pci slot covers with filters on them, but I would think it would be better just to use solid ones.
GELID Solutions > Products
alright it is done! I added a fan blowing across the fan intakes of the GPU and can escape through the rear if it has too.
so as soon as I get mu lights in my case, ill post up some picsI bought 12" cathos.... I have a feeling that they may have been too long..... but I can make it work.
How many exhaust fans do you have and where are they ?
It was mentioned before, post some pic's of the fans so you can get the best advice.
2 exhaust fans. both at the top of the case(probs going to upgrade those to 140mm soon). I have my rad fan as an intake from the rear, and 2 intakes at the bottom pointing at the GPU. I seems that I get the lowest GPU and CPU temps from this. since the CPU is only running at 45C, its fairly cool air going into the case through the rad. now the other componets.... Idk, I believe RAM might be running hotter, but none of that bothers me. only CPU and GPU and NB is what was bothering me.
2 things that strike me as odd, well not odd but a little out of the ordinary, your NB and your memory getting hot, has to be a reason for that.
You should be able to run your lites vertical or horizontal, either way they should fit, I bought a set of blue ones a while back but they had some wires that were impossible to hide so I`ll wait and get an led strip.
Im looking forward to the pics when you are done Patrick. I need to switch my fans out for red ones