How about this one. It's hard for me to tell on a 40" screen.
This is 552 kb.
The problem appears to be with your camera; the resolution is too low. Merely enlarging a low res picture pixilates the snot out of the image, destroying any details. Try resetting your camera to a higher resolution.
Cheers chap! It took me ages to find one I really liked and the day I finially got the cash everywhere was out of stock which is usualy the case when I want to buy something
Sharpie FTW I used Sharpies to colour my Cougar fan's
Doug, get the NZXT cable extension pack they sell.......I have it and it is awesome! Very high quality, and not too stiff so you can manipulate them.
Well I'm new to the digital camera settings. I have no idea how to set the resolution. I just put it on Auto.
I new how to use my Nikon 8008 SLR but this digital stuff is new to me.
When I get done with this new computer project I will have to do some more homework.
I have changing how the fans work all day. It's a trial and error and then monitor the temps for about 30 min. under 100% load. I lowed the temps from a 58 to 60C Max. down to 48 to 50C. I have been running this test for 36 min and the avg. Max. temp is 50.2 C. 100% load @4.6. Idles 6 C over ambient temp.