Here is a different machine with a 965BE Got an 800Mhz overclock by changing the multiplier.
Do I qualify for the little black badge or do you only get one when you let the magic smoke out?
Yes you do qualify for it, wear it with pride for you have earned it my friend, look here on how to apply it
Official Seven Forums Overclock Leader boards
Ok so here are the instructions on how to add the
Overclockers badge below your main sig if you wish to use it.
Head over
to "Edit Signature" in your User CP and simply copy and paste everything below
Did you paste that into your sig and save it? If that didn't work, try this
Code: Code:with [imglink] before it and [/imglink] after it.
As shown here
Official Seven Forums Overclock Leader boards
edit your sig, this is what it looks like
Still not working, I just get a link in my signature, have asked Brink for help. This is why I don't code and I build and fix electronic things.