Well the new CPU arrived, it's very nice to be typing this reply from my main rig again.
The new CPU is only fractionally better than my old one. It will pass IBT at 1.248V as apposed to 1.280V on my old one. I think it's not a very good CPU sadly.
The good news is the second 3770k just shipped today so hopefully I will have that tomorrow. I really hope that one is better.
I said I would not go above 1.75V, this is the highest I can get on this CPU.
Aren't you supposed to put 1500 miles on it before you go full speed? :)
Well the new CPU arrived, it's very nice to be typing this reply from my main rig again.
The new CPU is only fractionally better than my old one. It will pass IBT at 1.248V as apposed to 1.280V on my old one. I think it's not a very good CPU sadly.
The good news is the second 3770k just shipped today so hopefully I will have that tomorrow. I really hope that one is better.
I said I would not go above 1.75V, this is the highest I can get on this CPU.
Aren't you supposed to put 1500 miles on it before you go full speed? :)
I'm on my phone app right now, so its hard to see. I do see that the label wording is a little funny. I'll look again when I'm back at my rig to see if I'm missing something.
Solarstarshines said:
Britton30 said:
What's wrong with this picture. It's a new Z77-WS board.
uhmm I guess they started making transparent covers so the chips will go through once you have it installed the cover magicly reappears
The label is not right for this socket cover, the picture on the label is the right one. This label is for the cover that goes on the CPU retainer, not for the one that fits inside the socket, as my example is. Here is what the cover should be for that label, nipped the pic from Newegg.
Computer Type: PC/Desktop System Manufacturer/Model Number: Home Built Desktop By DataTech OS: Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1 CPU: Intel i5-2550K, Differing ~4.4-4.8GHz No built in GPU Motherboard: ASUS P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 Memory: 16GB G.Skill Sniper 1866MHz @ 2133MHz 2x8GB Graphics Card: ASUS GTX650TIB-DC2OC-2GD5, (650TI Boost) Sound Card: Onboard Realtek 5-1 Monitor(s) Displays: Samsung P2570HD Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Keyboard: E-Z Eyes, bright yellow keys with large characters Mouse: steelseries SENSEI Laser Pro Gaming PSU: Corsair HX650W Case: Inwin Dragon Rider Cooling: Hyper 212 EVO w/two Noctua fans, push-pull, @1300 RPM Hard Drives: Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD for OS, 500GB Seagate Constellation (Enterprise drive) for Data Internet Speed: 48-51Mbs Mbs down, 11 Mbs up Xfinity Cable Browser: IE 10, Opera, Pale Moon if needed Antivirus: Norton Internet Security 2013 Other Info: 4 case fans, LG BluRay-RE, ASUS DVD-RW, Mr. Fusion power supply, 1.21 gigawatts.
I'm on my phone app right now, so its hard to see. I do see that the label wording is a little funny. I'll look again when I'm back at my rig to see if I'm missing something.
Solarstarshines said:
Britton30 said:
What's wrong with this picture. It's a new Z77-WS board.
uhmm I guess they started making transparent covers so the chips will go through once you have it installed the cover magicly reappears
The label is not right for this socket cover, the picture on the label is the right one. This label is for the cover that goes on the CPU retainer, not for the one that fits inside the socket, as my example is. Here is what the cover should be for that label, nipped the pic from Newegg.
Computer Type: PC/Desktop System Manufacturer/Model Number: Jeepmann/Custom Built OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz (@4.5Ghz@1.230v) Motherboard: Asus Maximus IV Extreme LGA 1155 Intel P67 Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB 1600Mhz (4 x 4GB) (Stock) Graphics Card: x2 EVGA GeForce GTX 760's w/ACXCoolers in SLI Surround Sound Card: On-Board Monitor(s) Displays: 3x Acer 24" HDMI Widescreen LCD Monitor Screen Resolution: 3@ 1920x1080 (5760x1080 In Surround) Keyboard: Logitech G510 Mouse: Zalman M300 PSU: COOLER MASTER Silent Pro 1000W Case: COOLER MASTER HAF X Black Cooling: CORSAIR Hydro H70 Hard Drives: Samsung 830 128gb ssd
Western Digital Caviar Black 640GB 7200 RPM
Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB 7200 RPM
Seagate 2tb 7200 RPM Internet Speed: 100mbps-ish Down & 5mbps-ish Up Other Info: I installed the stock 140mm case fan outside of case then installed the H70+ 1 of its 120mm fans inside case. Used the 2nd 120mm from the H70 to go in the Gpu tunnel.
230mm Front,200mm side,200mm top,120mm Gpu tunnel,120mm&140mm on H70.
Thanks, it's not going well so far, I must have over tightened one of the screws last time, it is just spinning in the plastic backplate so I can't get the cooler off.
I've done it Paul. I use a pair of needle-nosed pliers to hold the nut from the backside while turning the screw. Be careful you can gouge the board with the pliers or screwdriver. Finger tighten only too.
After it's off try my super glue trick I posted earlier. Give it an hour to cure.
Computer Type: PC/Desktop System Manufacturer/Model Number: Home Built Desktop By DataTech OS: Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1 CPU: Intel i5-2550K, Differing ~4.4-4.8GHz No built in GPU Motherboard: ASUS P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 Memory: 16GB G.Skill Sniper 1866MHz @ 2133MHz 2x8GB Graphics Card: ASUS GTX650TIB-DC2OC-2GD5, (650TI Boost) Sound Card: Onboard Realtek 5-1 Monitor(s) Displays: Samsung P2570HD Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Keyboard: E-Z Eyes, bright yellow keys with large characters Mouse: steelseries SENSEI Laser Pro Gaming PSU: Corsair HX650W Case: Inwin Dragon Rider Cooling: Hyper 212 EVO w/two Noctua fans, push-pull, @1300 RPM Hard Drives: Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD for OS, 500GB Seagate Constellation (Enterprise drive) for Data Internet Speed: 48-51Mbs Mbs down, 11 Mbs up Xfinity Cable Browser: IE 10, Opera, Pale Moon if needed Antivirus: Norton Internet Security 2013 Other Info: 4 case fans, LG BluRay-RE, ASUS DVD-RW, Mr. Fusion power supply, 1.21 gigawatts.
The Official Seven Forums Overclock Leaderboards
After some discussions between several members, I have created a new leaderboards thread. Obviously there is still the https://www.sevenforums.com/pc-custom-builds-overclocking/251850-post-your-overclock-2-a-73.html thread, but I thought it would...