Here is a little 5GHz run I did just for fun. I am too scared to try for more due to voltage so I won't.
CPU-Z Validator 4.0
Nice one Paul. That does seem like a lot of voltage for a measly 5 GHz. Just remember no guts, no Glory. Seriously, nice run for you, in the Green now.
Thanks Doug.
Yeah it is a lot of volts for 5GHz really Steve, I don't think the E series were designed for Extreme overclocking but that being said I imagine a 5.2 would be possible but I really don't feel like frying another CPU for the sake of a couple of 100 MHz lol.
My daily is 4.6GHz at around 1.25V, I am currently testing at 4.7GHz and so far it appears stable at 1.310V