Official Seven Forums Overclock Leader boards [2]
Got my i7 back today
Got my i7 back today
Nice one Brian, keep the old gal below 1.9v and you will be fine Lol
unless you want a bump on the not so good leaderboard
Glad you got it
Got my i7 back today
Nice one Brian, keep the old gal below 1.9v and you will be fine Lol
That's the voice of experience speaking.
Got my i7 back today
Nice one Brian, keep the old gal below 1.9v and you will be fine Lol
Maybe below 1.6 without LN2.
Got my i7 back today
Nice one Brian, keep the old gal below 1.9v and you will be fine Lol
Maybe below 1.6 without LN2.
1.6 was my limit
Lot of volts guys, I have only tried 1.5 ish. I think it was 1.55 when I took out that motherboard a while back. Never over 1.4 again for me.
Lot of volts guys, I have only tried 1.5 ish. I think it was 1.55 when I took out that motherboard a while back. Never over 1.4 again for me.
Yeah Doug the thing is you need that much to get over the hump
I achieved 5.2 GHZ off my board and bios alone in order to beat N00BERG00BER i had to hit 1.64 i could of went to 5.4 ghz off that but wasn't trying to mess around i was already sweating a meltdown lol
I hear you. 5.4 was my goal but I'm not willing to push it right now. This bad boy is running like a champ now @4.8. No more big runs for me, just fast and stable. I'm loving the W8.1 upgrade but coretemp does not work with it