New build
Now before we all go getting excited this is just a basic build and I just want some ideas please
Am wanting to build a small low budgetfor a mate who just Ebays, Facebook, simple card games, emails, usual etc etc
Now I have picked out these as they arefairly reasonable and I can manage them ok. The RAM I have a stack of spareDDR3 sticks that I can throw in for nothing
Thermaltake Black Versa II Mid TowerCase with 500w$75
Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H Motherboard $75
ASUS H61M-A-USB3 Motherboard $65
Intel Pentium G2130 $85
Lite-On IHAS324 24x DVDRW $22
CoolerMaster Hyper TX3 Evo $25
Seagate Barracuda 500GB ST500DM002$59
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64bitwith SP1 $109
$425(Giga) ($366)*
$415(Asus) ($356)*
Alternative AMD set up
AMD A6 5400K 2-Core Processor $69
Gigabyte GA-F2A75M-HD2 Motherboard $85
Total $444 ($385)*
Personally from a preference point ofview I like the Intel set up but what does everyone else think ideas please. The case by the way comes witha Thermatake PSU.
*Plus I probably have a spare 500GBSeagate Barrucuda here too so that would lighten the build by that amount.