That's pretty much what I do for backups except it would take me more than two minutes to remove an internal drive. I'm also too lazy to do it that way. That's why I have a 3.5" dock installed in my bottom 5.25" bay. I like the Antec Easy SATA because it's simple, without any internal electronics, so should handle any capacity HDD (there are other docks available). To perform a backup, I just plug in a HDD, run the backup, then unplug it and put back in a drawer (I have an anti-static foam "egg crate" to store my HDDs in inside the drawer). Easy peasy. If you don't have a free bay to install a dock, you could also use an external dock. Using an e-SATA connection would make it as fast as what you are doing now without the time and hassle of installing and uninstalling drives internally (I have one I retired now that I have the one installed in my machine but I keep it "just in case"). Some of the newer USB 3.0 external docks are almost as fast as e-SATA.