It was actually just to highlight the voltage regulator is still on chip for devils canyon.
Thanks Paul. Some more good information.
One of the reasons I chose the CPU I use now is because of all the stories about the heat problem with some of the Haswells.
TVeblen I believe it is insane to un cap a new cpu but it does show the results and where for a while at least was Intel's capping process was a problem.
I surly believe they must have solved that problem by now.
Moving things on or off the cpu will change the temps but we have no control over such things so to me it's not worth arguing over.
I think what you are looking for is a processor that works great and maybe just adding a little better cpu cooler will make your customer happy at the right price range.
Whether one cpu is a little faster than another one I don't believe your customer will ever know or notice. They will notice overheating for sure.
It's very difficult to solve over heating problems using Team Viewer.
Dunno really Gary mate, I know that a lot of the Z87 boards are now compatible with the Devils Canyon CPU's with a Bios update. But I am guessing the Z97's have a few new features and perhaps overclock a bit better too. I am no expert on any of this though, it's just stuff I have read. I would love to have gotten a 4790K though to see how far she would go lol but dam it would be a downgrade for me which actually annoys me! As you know I always like new stuff and it's been quite some times since I changed anything!