Show Us Your Rig

  1. Posts : 12,177
    Windows 7 Ult x64 - SP1/ Windows 8 Pro x64

    Bare Foot Kid said:
    Dave76 said:
    My new rig...

    Looks d4mn good Dave!
    Thanks Ted,
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 328
    windows 7 home premium 64, and Windows 10 64 bit

    I just wish I could remove the rainbow of colors in mine! All the damn lights bother me from the MB to the fans! As mine is mainly a Home theater set up these light remind me of the disco techs!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,663
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Dave! That's a very nice looking rig. Excellent cable management (as we builder types say). What kind of HSF is that? How does the whole thing run?

    Very well done

    Techymike-short of physically disabling the leds on the fans (not sure how) you would have to swap them out for non led ones. That might be better because, in my experience, non led fans shift more air more quietly. Have a look at Akasa Apache or the Noctua range. They are drab looking but work really well.:)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,177
    Windows 7 Ult x64 - SP1/ Windows 8 Pro x64

    Thanks John, I had the case for 4 days before I got the MOBO, CPU & cooler, RAM, so I had lots of time to plan and get it started.
    HSF is Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus CPU Cooler w/12cm fan.
    No issues at all everything went together and it posted first time.
    Been posting the usual info and ratings on the usual threads here.

    Techymike, I like my case, but not the lights, it has a switch on the front I/O panel to turn the lights off. If it didn't I would of had to find a different one....
    Blue would be better also, I'm not a red fan (pun intended)......
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,036
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    Dave76 said:
    Thanks derekimo,

    That's the 12cm fan on the CPU cooler.
    Very nice rig Dave. I am wondering if that Hyper 212+ comes with a 120MM fan stock or did you have to "rig" it up. I have a similar cooler and mine has a 92MM fan. Also, is that a 5770 in those pictures?

    Anyway, no big deal.....the rig is SWEET!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12,177
    Windows 7 Ult x64 - SP1/ Windows 8 Pro x64

    Thanks Nate, It's the stock fan that came with it, 120mm. The GPU is XFX HD 5770 1 GB, it's good so far, will take it for a run in the near future
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,036
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    Dave76 said:
    Thanks Nate, It's the stock fan that came with it, 120mm. The GPU is XFX HD 5770 1 GB, it's good so far, will take it for a run in the near future
    Very nice. I sure wish the P55A had been out when I got my P55-UD4P. You have a nice system there. I built a very similar system. Great mind think alike.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 12,177
    Windows 7 Ult x64 - SP1/ Windows 8 Pro x64

    nate42nd said:
    Very nice. I sure wish the P55A had been out when I got my P55-UD4P. You have a nice system there. I built a very similar system. Great mind think alike.
    I agree, nice specs you got, been keeping a watch on the SSDs, have one of them in my plan for the new rig maybe by summer
      My Computer

  9.    #1179

    Some Updated pictures of my rigs
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your Rig-dsc00286.jpg   Show Us Your Rig-dsc00288.jpg   Show Us Your Rig-dsc00289.jpg   Show Us Your Rig-dsc00290.jpg   Show Us Your Rig-dsc00292.jpg  

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Looking good Sergio.
      My Computer


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