Ok, let me try explain a bit differently.. Looking at the face plate of the panel you made, I see four pop-rivets (two on the left, two on the right). If these pop-rivets hold the side panels on, then you'd obviously need to remove them to take the bracket apart.
What I was suggesting, instead of scrapping the whole thing and starting again, cut off one side of the bracket you've already got there, and make it narrower. I was only suggesting cutting the right hand side from the photo you posted because there's a larger piece of flat metal next to the holes on that side than there is on the left.
Thanks very much.. I'm quite satisfied with the holes too, and surprised at how well my 6 year old jigsaw is handling itself. Good old Black&Decker, they just never seem to die...
lol, tough call on that one :)
From my quick testing of it - It is. When it works![]()
Some games work quite well with Eyefinity, some need some 'fiddling' and have a few 'quirks' and others just flat out don't like it.
Hell of a FPS hit on some titles too, hello detail lowering - goodbye xAA, lol - always a trade off somewhere
Thanks all.
Even my non-technically minded partner is impressed by the setup. She even bragged about it to her equally non-tech friend, lol.
The two games I have by 2K Games--the original BioShock and NBA2K10 both really, really suck with the setup. The get zoomed in to a point where you can't play the game.
Have you gotten Crysis to work at all with Eyefinity?
BTW: I like your setup. Couldn't run those monitors with my "puny" setup!![]()
I'm working my way through titles ATM. I even did another fresh installation to iron out a few bugs.
I believe some games need to have their FOV adjusted manually if they have a configurable .cfg /.xml /.ini
I'm tackling them one by one
(Haven't tried Crysis yet)
some nice setups here!
here are my *two*
my second setup is the server sitting on WIFI in the garage haha, will hopefully be setting up a LAN through the ceiling in a month or 2.... i hope![]()
Nice looking system brayway! I'm loving the three-way monitor setup..One suggestion though:
Have you ever though of using Display Fusion or UltraMon? I'd recommend Display Fusion, but there are also others out there... I bought Display Fusion for my PC here at work with dual monitor, and I'll be honest, I can't stand using a dual-monitor setup without it now! Try it and see....
And I have to say this...... Imagine this with some nice individually sleeved cables in black...That would be just gorgeous.