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  1. Posts : 966
    Windows 7 Enterprise

    A year or so ago I made up a dual monitor stand out of scrap metal in one of our workshops.
    Scrap metal, ooh wow... but it was excellent quality, comparable to the commercial ones you guys have linked above... I ended up selling it online for $100 i think...
    You guys have got me thinking into making another... if I do, I'l take and post pics of the build.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 52,170
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    I've just ordered 6 x 23" Samsung SM2343BW (2048x1152) to go with my new stand, hopefully I will have everything setup with pics by late Tuesday afternoon
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 6,857
    Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 (desktop)

    z3r010 said:
    I've just ordered 6 x 23" Samsung SM2343BW (2048x1152) to go with my new stand, hopefully I will have everything setup with pics by late Tuesday afternoon
    Congrats! That is sure to be incredible....and I thought the pics of your other setup were already awesome!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,404
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Wow. Look forward to seeing that.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 52,170
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    I now have 3 days to work out how to break the news to Angie
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Geez, I jealous now congrats John!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 17,322
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Airbot said:

    Wow. Look forward to seeing that.

    Took the words right out my mouth. Wow!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 11,990
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

    Wow, John; I look forward to seeing the pics.
      My Computer

  9.    #1529

    Holy cow, thats a lot of monitors.
    Looking forward to seeing the pics of em all
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,496
    7 Ultimate x64

    z3r010 said:
    I now have 3 days to work out how to break the news to Angie

    lol, I'm guessing you're used to this type of pressure?
      My Computer


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