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  1. Posts : 1,083
    Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit

    smarteyeball said:
    Speaking of Eyefinity:

    Attachment 81938


    Personally, I'm happy with just three screens..
    Holy s***.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 11,990
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

    ZaLiTH said:
    Well well, it's been a good weekend... Got some good work done on my case mod. As usual, I apologise for the creally crappy photo quality, my HTC phone camera was all I had handy this weekend...

    First things first, getting all my tools together, can't forget the coffee... It's a vital part of anything that requires thought:

    I started by bending the mesh panel to shape and drawing the basic outline of the front panel onto the mesh, no big sweat here:

    Next I tried to cut out the old front panel and use the edges as a 'frame' to mount the new mesh panel onto:

    But that didn't work too well. It broke when I started filling it back to mount the mesh:

    So, I layed the mesh over the front panel, had a staring competition with my front panel (it won, by the way), and waited for some divine inspiration to hit me.

    A cup of coffee and a smoke helped clear my head, and I decided to may use of the two silver plastic strips above and below my old panel to mount it.

    The basic idea is that these two strips are actually screwed into the case from the inside, and they're not thin and flimsy pieces like the clear plastic panel was. So I cut two lines into the inside edges of these two silver pieces to slot the mesh into, then I cut out the corners of the mesh to fit into the slots I'd cut in the plastic... This took much tweaking and cutting and trimming and coffee and more cutting.

    But it all paid off at the end! Starting to look like a fan cover now.

    I got a bit worried at this point because I hadn't measured it against the actual front panel for a while, but when I put it back on, everything just fell into place and it lined up perfectly. I am going to be covering the left and right hand sides of this mesh at some point, I'll just strip some wire and put black wire insulation over the sides, but I didn't have any spare thin black wire lying around, so I'll do that next time.

    Finally, I collected all the parts spread all over my double bed and put my case back together.. I must say, I was satisfied with the outcome:

    Next was the side panel, I'll keep this part short though, this post is getting way too long now.

    I started by cutting the basic shape of the mesh and lining it up. Did a bit of trimming on the edges here:

    I decided to go with the idea of cutting awy the corners where the fan screws were, instead of tring to line up mesh holes with fan holes:

    When I put it against the fans on my side panel, I found a few small corners that I needed to trim away a bit, but it was looking pretty good:

    Once I was satisfied with the shape, I put my side panel back together:

    And put it back on my case:

    I'm not sure if I should put some sort of surround on the side fan mesh or not, perhaps do the same as what I plan for the sides of the front mesh? I'm not sure though... It's not vibrating now, but I suspect with the mesh being aginst the perspex side panel, it may start to vibrate in a few days once the screws start to settle a bit.

    Also, I haven't done the cable sleeving yet, I'll sort that out when I re-spray my case... After all, my PC will be out of action for a few days anyway, and everything will be stripped from my case, perfect time to do sleeving. What do you guys think so far?
    Nice work and a great post.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,736

    CarlTR6 said:
    ZaLiTH said:
    What do you guys think so far?
    Nice work and a great post.
    I +1, sweet!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,223
    Win 10 x64 Pro x64 / Ubuntu 15.10 x64

    iseeuu said:
    Looks like someone wasn't content with just 6 monitors?

    Attachment 81894

    Morpheus is too awesome for 6 monitors...

    smarteyeball said:
    Speaking of Eyefinity:

    Attachment 81938


    Personally, I'm happy with just three screens..
    That would just confuse me. Lol. I wouldn't know where to look half the time...

    iseeuu said:
    CarlTR6 said:
    ZaLiTH said:
    What do you guys think so far?
    Nice work and a great post.
    I +1, sweet!
    Thanks guys. I found some pics of what my case looked like before I started doing anything to it, I must keep those for a comparison when I'm done with it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6,075
    Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

    Thought it was about time I showed a couple of pics of my rig.

    Started life as a cheap £250 ready made system.

    A couple of months later it packs a pretty decent punch.

    Wires need a bit of tidying up , but the HD 5850 fits in with ease lol.

    Next on the list is a full size case and a decent LED monitor


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your Rig-pic1.jpg   Show Us Your Rig-pic2.jpg   Show Us Your Rig-pic3.jpg  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 55
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    I got this old Black and Silver Case but im getting a Cooler master Scout case soon here is the link
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Hello Jack8530, welcome to Seven Forums!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 274
    WINDOWS 7 Ultimate x64 Full

    I pick up a new case this week. Full tower $114.00 after rebate. (Newegg)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your Rig-dscf8182.jpg   Show Us Your Rig-dscf8178.jpg  
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    kellymac35 said:
    I pick up a new case this week. Full tower $114.00 after rebate. (Newegg)
    Interesting design - I haven't come across that one before.


    I just rebuilt my old 775 rig and put it into a Lancool K-60.

    No pics for now, because I haven't done any real cable management because I'm afraid I may end up having to pull it all apart and replace the mobo

    It's a nice and very quiet case - decent build quality for Lian Li's budget range but it is NOT non-modular PSU / neat cable management friendly.

    Plus they could have made the hole for the 8-pin EATX 12v connector a tad bigger. That was an absolute PITA to get through the hole and connect
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 12,177
    Windows 7 Ult x64 - SP1/ Windows 8 Pro x64

    Jack8530 said:
    I got this old Black and Silver Case but im getting a Cooler master Scout case soon here is the link
    Hi Jack8530, Welcome to Seven Forums.

    Good choice for the case, it's a good one, well ventilated and looks Great
      My Computer


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