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  1. Posts : 1,223
    Win 10 x64 Pro x64 / Ubuntu 15.10 x64

    SlackerITGuy said:
    ZaLiTH said:
    SlackerITGuy said:
    Couple of pics right after installing my new video card (GTX 460):
    Nice upgrade you got there... I have to ask though, what's that small card you have in there? Looks like it's in a Pci-e slot...

    It's called ASUS VGA Switch Card. It makes sure the blue PCI-E slot (the one used by the GTX 460) is running at full speed x16 when only 1 video card is installed.
    Oh.... I see. So I'm guessing you don't need to move a whole bunch of jumpers on the motherboard to enable the second Pci-e slot (like my XFX board requires)? That's actually pretty cool.. :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 750
    Windows 8.1 Pro

    ZaLiTH said:
    SlackerITGuy said:
    ZaLiTH said:
    Nice upgrade you got there... I have to ask though, what's that small card you have in there? Looks like it's in a Pci-e slot...

    It's called ASUS VGA Switch Card. It makes sure the blue PCI-E slot (the one used by the GTX 460) is running at full speed x16 when only 1 video card is installed.
    Oh.... I see. So I'm guessing you don't need to move a whole bunch of jumpers on the motherboard to enable the second Pci-e slot (like my XFX board requires)? That's actually pretty cool.. :)
    Pretty cool indeed. Love ASUS.

    I would only need to remove the ASUS VGA Switch Card. Then install the 2nd GPU.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    Just got a few quick snaps of my setup now with my new screen, enjoy! :)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your Rig-rimg0002.jpg   Show Us Your Rig-rimg0004.jpg  
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 750
    Windows 8.1 Pro

    Uber Philf said:
    Just got a few quick snaps of my setup now with my new screen, enjoy! :)
    Talk about a clean setup!.

    Veryyyy nice.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    SlackerITGuy said:
    Uber Philf said:
    Just got a few quick snaps of my setup now with my new screen, enjoy! :)
    Talk about a clean setup!.

    Veryyyy nice.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6,857
    Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1 (desktop)

    Uber Philf said:
    Just got a few quick snaps of my setup now with my new screen, enjoy! :)
    As Paris Hilton would say,
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,223
    Win 10 x64 Pro x64 / Ubuntu 15.10 x64

    Uber Philf said:
    Just got a few quick snaps of my setup now with my new screen, enjoy! :)
    Haha... I like your coffee-cup-place-mat-thingy... (I've had a temporary lapse of brain power, I forget what they're called now).

    Do you pause each time you're about to put anything down over the picture...? Lol. I probably would....

    noobvious said:
    Uber Philf said:
    Just got a few quick snaps of my setup now with my new screen, enjoy! :)
    As Paris Hilton would say,
    OMG! It's... It's... Pink! *runs away to hide*
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    Hahaha, thanks Randy

    You mean Coaster.. :) (tbh i had to ask someone else because i also forgot what they where called hahaha)

    I had to stop the habit of pausing, manly because i lean forward for closer inspection and spill my drink.. haha
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,223
    Win 10 x64 Pro x64 / Ubuntu 15.10 x64

    Uber Philf said:
    Hahaha, thanks Randy

    You mean Coaster.. :) (tbh i had to ask someone else because i also forgot what they where called hahaha)

    I had to stop the habit of pausing, manly because i lean forward for closer inspection and spill my drink.. haha
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 262
    MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

    freaky88 said:
    do you really need 6 HDD'S? LOL
    you never replied
      My Computer


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