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  1. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    freaky88 said:
    well.....i wasted 100 dollars on 9800gt that i just bought 2 months ago,i could of got something way better likje a radeon dx 11 card, im sure it will be hard to run games soon on my 9800gt should be fine for quite a while. I'm running an Nvidia 9800 GTX+ and it hasn't really struggled to run nearly every game at high or ultra settings at this point.

    freaky88 said:
    Someone send me 3000 bucks i need to get a good comp
    freaky88 said:
    well im a kid and i dont think i can get as good pc for 150 bucks
    Well, the good news is that a good computer should come in at just about the middle of that range. $1500 gives you a solid box. Unless you really need something ultra fancy or specialized configuration, spending $3,000 is probably not a wise investment.

    janno said:
    i picked my current SSD ( Crucial RealSSD C300 64 GB, S-ATA 600, 70 Mb's, 355 MB/s ) because of the SATAIII, but is this even nessecary?

    i see the read speed of 355 MB/s, so i`m thinking that a SATAII gives 3Gb/s, that should be sufficient
    Actually, with this SSD, you would actually want SATA III controllers. Make sure that you understand that 3Gb/s is 3 gigaBITS per second and not bytes. Therefore, when you do the math and provide for some overhead, it comes out to about 300 megabytes per second max on the interface. Thus, if you have an SSD which can do over would need the higher capacity controller to take full advantage of it.

    ZaLiTH said:
    Or you could get a second 64GB SSD and set up RAID0 (striping)... That should give you an awesome speed boost.
    The speed boost itself though wouldn't really get utilized all that much for running an OS or loading a game. The primary benefit of the SSD is it's extremely low access times...and these don't really improve in a RAID configuration. Now, if the RAID array were to be used for storage...that RAID setup could make a huge difference...but I don't think many are able to afford a solid storage configuration with SSD drives.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    sygnus21 said:
    As for needing 12gig of RAM... I think 6 is plenty, but that's another huge debate
    I asked this question earlier and there was some lite discussion about it here. I've since made a post about it here Memory - Do we need more than 6 gig? so this thread isn't hijacked and the question can be discussed further if you'd like.

    Memory - Do we need more than 6 gig?

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 141
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    if i had 2x3 ram and added a 1gb stick would that be ok for an amd processor?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    freaky88 said:
    Someone send me 3000 bucks i need to get a good comp
    I sent you $5000 - keep checking the mail.
      My Computer


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