Stalker's custom PC desk
Hello people, as I announced in Show Us Your Rig, I'm plaining to make custom desk for my pc with parts inside. So, I'll open hew thread, and will post here.
I don't have SolidWorks installed, so the paper was here. :) What I'm planing to do is next:
The upside will be cuted with dimensions from the paper. That will be covered with plexiglass or glass. Inside will be led stripes, probably in red color.
The components I want to be divided in 2 parts, one for the mb and parts on it and the other one for the psu, hdd, ssd. The bottom one should be additionaly colled with 2x120mm coolers. Maybe CM JetFlow.
Someone to give me some advice for this project?
Thanks, Boshko.