BOOT Advanced Options (Dual Core)

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit

    BOOT Advanced Options (Dual Core)

    Hi everyone, I'm having a problem. I am trying to boos my laptops performance a bit and I saw that activating both core could do that.

    I went to the BOOT advanced options and tried changing processors from 1 to 2 but only one was available.

    I don't know what the problem is or where to begin looking. I could really use some help.

    I'm using a dell inspiron 1525 with an Intel Pentium Dual Core processor.

    Any ideas?
      My Computer

  2.    #2

    The setting does not work to do what you want. It is for troubleshooting only.

    There are no tweaks needed for Win7 which is already as lean and optimized as an OS can be. It will always come back to bite you to start tweaking beyond normal system setttings. If you have any performance weakness it should instead be remedied by improving hardware.

    A good place to start to understand how your hardware works with Win7 is the WEI score on Computer>Properties page. Then click the score link to access Advanced Tools, Generate a System Health Report, view the Reliability Monitor and other Performance logs and charts.

    If you need to edit visual effects it will say so at the top of Tools page where issues cue. I edit only fading, sliding and dragging intact to conserve RAM on lower-resource machines.
      My Computer


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