W7U Pick Me up!

  1. Posts : 176
    Win 7 64 Ultimate

    W7U Pick Me up!

    Been running W7U about a year now,, it performs well,, I like to tweak things and i have my system running quite well i think but it still seems to just lack that wow factor. I dont have my system overclocked nor do i have my Geforce overclocked but i know iwth my set up i could probably easily gain some performance but would i see a noticable difference?
    I have read the how to overclock tutorials and i guess i have to admit im lazy i wanna just make some small adjustments in the bios to get me up a few more Mhz's so as not to create to much more heat and or instability issues. so my questions are:

    #1 am i better off over clocking the processor? Ram? Or my graphics? or should i do a little bump to all 3?
    #2 What tweaks have worked the best for you? where you actually noticed a performance gain during normal everyday use?

    Mind you i'm not a gamer,,, i mainly surf, email, chat, webcam and do some graphics and website work.
    Heres my main system specs
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails W7U Pick Me up!-image2.jpg   W7U Pick Me up!-image4.jpg   W7U Pick Me up!-image6.jpg   W7U Pick Me up!-image8.jpg  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,528
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Honestly, with what you stated your main uses are, you'd probably notice the most improvement by switching to an SSD drive (at least for the OS partition). I doubt CPU, RAM, or a graphics overclock are going to give you a huge boost, but switching from a mechanical drive to an SSD will show a huge improvement, especially in day-to-day tasks.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    cluberti said:
    Honestly, with what you stated your main uses are, you'd probably notice the most improvement by switching to an SSD drive (at least for the OS partition). I doubt CPU, RAM, or a graphics overclock are going to give you a huge boost, but switching from a mechanical drive to an SSD will show a huge improvement, especially in day-to-day tasks.
    +1. Well said. Go SSD - you won't regret it.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 259
    Windows 10 Home

    I did the overclocking thing for a short time, mainly because I just wanted to know how to do it, and to see the results for myself. My conclusion was: For the few seconds that things may have been faster, it wasn't worth the extra heat that my CPU was generating. Sooner or later that is going to shorten the life of the processor and ram, and to what gain?

    I kinda have to chuckle to myself when I see posts about someone griping because his Windows takes 15 seconds longer to boot than it used to. There are 86,400 seconds in a day. How big a hurry are we really in?

    To my naked eye apps didn't load quicker, games didn't play better, graphics were not better. The cause and efffect wasn't worth it to me, but I do know there are lots of people that want to take it to the limit.

    Guess it's no different than fine tuning yesterday's muscle cars to the ultimate. The need for speed.

    SSD's no doubt are the way to go. I'm just the type to hang on until they are cheaper with more capacity.
      My Computer


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