Show Speed When Moving Files

  1. Posts : 105
    Windows 7 64bit

    Show Speed When Moving Files

    I move files around from drive to drive quite a bit and am always curious as to the speed at which Windows is moving them. So I always end up clicking the "More Details" arrow when the "moving" box is up.

    Is there a way to turn that on permanently so that I can always see the speed at which files are moving/copying?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 934
    Windows 8.1 ; Windows 7 x86 (Dec2008-Jan2013)

    This issue has been discussed multiple times on this forum.

    Unfortunately, only third party software solutions so far.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6,285
    Windows 10 Pro X64

    I use TeraCopy. It has this and a lot more. You can drag and drop as usual, just select Teracopy or Teramove instead of copy or move.

    Show Speed When Moving Files-teracopy.jpg
      My Computer


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