Windows 7 Home Premium basic theme is slow but aero theme is fast?
Hi all,
For the past few days, if not a week now, I've noticed that when I switch to Basic theme for RAM intesive programs like Adobe After Effects, Windows is quite slow, almost running as though my laptop is 1GB not 2GB RAM.
Though when I switch to Aero theme, Windows is only slightly slower with Adobe After Effects running.
My laptop is Compaq Presario CQ56, 2GB shared graphics and I can't explain why the Basic theme is running slow whereas Aero is responding faster, so much so, programs tend to stop responding more frequently on Basic.
I have run MSE, MBAM and SAS (MSE realtime, others are standalone mode) and found no viruses and I update them all either daily or every two days.
I only have Realtek Audio and MSE on Startup so I can't figure out why this happening!
Thanks in advance for any insight as to what's happened/happening :)