Extremely Sorry for late respose.

My desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 2.53 GHz Win 7 x86, 2GB RAM 1066MHz, boots quickly almost 40-50 seconds, loads about 600 to 700 MBs in RAM

My laptop: Intel 2nd Generation Core i7 26330QM 2.00GHz Turbo Boost 2 upto 2.9 GHz, 4GB RAM 1333GHz, Win 7 x64, boots quite slow almost 1 min 30 seconds and more, loads about 1200MB to 1500MB of data in RAM.

My laptop have faster processor, faster RAM, faster OS (that is 64 bit). Then why should it boot slowly than the desktop.

On the other hand, I did not installed all the softwares on laptop that I installed on my desktop. So laptop have less numbers of softwares installed on it than desktop. On both machines almost all the unnecessary startup processes & services have been disabled or configured as manual start. So what remained are only drivers (64bit).

So is that all about drivers that are making my laptop slower & lading so much in RAM. (Personally I dont think so) Even I disabled many drivers & driver support utilities from the startup services. So whats making my laptop boot slowly & load so much in RAM

Again, once my laptop boots it gives far better performance than my desktop. So about that I am satisfied, but not about its bootup time & load.