A simple method to solve the issue
I had the same issue and I put a little time to solve it. :)
The svchost service in question is a Windows service host that contains lots of services, it must be done so that you get into it ... Like you, for almost 10 minutes after the computer has started, I couldn't do almost anything...
Then I get the idea "services.msc" (you type that in the Run bar) : there are there full of services that consume a max of memory and are not necessarily always helpful, it depends on your use your desktop.
The main culprit turns out to be the Windows Update service and its two acolytes : the Security Center service and the Windows Modules Installer.
If you have a correct antivirus, you do not need to search for the Windows updates at each startup.
Personally, since I disabled all three services, I haven't the problem at all any more ; I just reactivate the Update service once a month, at night.
Here's the trick :
- In the Window's path (type set path in a prompt window), create a command file "wud.cmd" (wud like Windows UpDate but you can choose any other name) containing the following code:
@echo off
rem script to activate/desactivate WUpdate services
if "%1"=="" (
echo Security Center service activation :
sc config wscsvc start= demand
sc start wscsvc
echo Windows' modules Installation Program service activation :
sc config TrustedInstaller start= demand
sc start TrustedInstaller
echo Windows Update service activation
sc config wuauserv start= demand
sc start wuauserv
call :verif
call :verif
) else (
echo Windows Update service desactivation
sc stop wuauserv
echo Windows' module's installation Program desactivation
sc stop TrustedInstaller
echo Security center service desactivation
sc stop wscsvc
call :verif
call :verif
sc config wuauserv start= disabled
sc config TrustedInstaller start= disabled
sc config wscsvc start= disabled
goto :eof
timeout /T 10
sc query wuauserv
sc query TrustedInstaller
sc query wscsvc
goto :eof
Here it is !
- Now you just need to open a command prompt window as administrator* and to type:
wud d
(d like disable)
And it's good! The concerned services are disabled and let you easy.
- Then, every month, in a command prompt as administrator*, type "wud" without any argument. This reactivates Windows Update service, and allows you to make updates. If necessary, schedule a task to remind you.
What a relief, I was also wondering how to get out but this little trick is enough and tested OK !
* to open a prompt window as administrator, just go into the file "All programs" of the main menu, select "Accessories", then right click on Command prompt -> Run as administrator
You may also, for future usage, right-click on the command prompt icon in the taskbar and attach it to this taskbar (then you just have to rightclick directly on it to open as an administrator).