White box/rectangle top left desktop

  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    White box/rectangle top left desktop

    Hello everyone,

    Yesterday some white rectangle showed up on the top/left of my screen:
    This is what it looks like. It appears like ~1min after startup and it doesn't happen all the time, sometimes.. I rebooted alot yesterday. It happens with none, 1 or more applications running.

    What I've done so far:
    - updating drivers to CCC (Catalyst Control Center) 12.4, I was using 12.3 until yesterday (I have an ATI 6870 gpu)
    - changing my background image (apparently this was a solution for someone I found while google'ing)
    - ran malwarebytes and MSE: found nothing
    - system restore to 2 May 2012

    What I did before it happened:
    - downloaded and installed a game through Steam (Spiral Knights), when I closed it, I tried to close Steam afterwards but I got a warning that the game was still running (but it wasn't in my process list). I shut down gameoverlay.exe in my processes though.
    - downloaded and installed a game from gog.com (Legend of Grimrock)

    1 hour ago I removed CCC from the system tray and I rebooted like 6 times, the moment I got to my desktop I started Process Explorer to check what processes were starting up etc. but it didn't show up so far..

    I read that older CCC versions put a very small square on top left of the screen years ago.. and people got rid of it by removing ccc from the system tray.

    I don't know if it fixed my problem since it's not a little square like they mentioned. Incase it happens again: any idea what is going on?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 Home

    Oh, I'm so glad you've confirmed my theory, and your 'solution' matches mine - nail CCC.

    My rectangle appears in the same place yours does, as it does here that another puzzled AMD user has posted.

    I think it's actually being caused by something that does a hook into the graphics (eg ATI Tray Tools) or some installed package changes part of the .NET frameworks that CCC rely on. I intend to do some testing on that theory soon as I've a Radeon-totin' machine to rebuild, and it's been doing the rectangle too.

    And y'know, I don't think AMD know about this.

    Research to be done, then I'll be back and soon.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Do't get so excited. I have an EVGA card and I got the same thing in the same place. Windows Explorer is somehow related, because when you try to end process, it doesn't auto restart like it normally does. BUGGED! And what's better is how do you reinstall explorer???????
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    UPDATE!!! It wasn't Windows Explorer. It was Razer Synapse. End Process and reopen and you're good.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    win7 pro x 64

    Eureka !

    Thanks mcoprevog - spot on. er, off.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    mcoprevog You're awesome! Worked like a charm!
      My Computer


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