Registry Setting, Group Pollicy Setting, Explanation

  1. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    Registry Setting, Group Pollicy Setting, Explanation

    Not everyone will be interested, but:
    I've found a reference to a MSDN site which provides useful info.

    Did you ever want to know or need to know the correspondence between a registry setting and a group policy setting?

    I just wish this had existed earlier.

    I'm giving the link to John Savill's blog on this. Therein he has the link to the msdn page.

    This MSDN url i bookmark.

    Here's the link to John's article:
    Q: Is there a web site that allows an easy search of all the Group Policy settings that exist?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 335
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit SP1

    looks great.. I'm going to forward this to my network admin. He'll love it. Thanks.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    gladly. I'm interested in the comments. May put together a summary of them and post back to Savill's blog. A pat on the back is always appreciated (unless one has a sunburn).
      My Computer


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