Computer wakes 1 second after going to sleep

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  1. Posts : 23
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Computer wakes 1 second after going to sleep

    Title says it all. I have searched for a while and feel like I have tried most fixes I've seen but the problem persists. Weather I manually put it into sleep or not, it goes to sleep for about a second then wakes up, same thing every time.

    when I run the "powercfg lastwake" command, I get:

    Wake History Count - 1
    Wake History [0]
    Wake Source Count - 0

    but it definitely just woke up for some reason, it just doesn't want to tell me, any help is greatly appreciated
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5
    win-7 x64


    Strange, I am seeing exactly the same symptoms on my main system. I've been around the block several times in the past with S3 sleep issues, from WOL to task scheduler events, and this is something different. I've tried all the usual tricks to try to pin it down (unplug the LAN cable, check the wake_armed devices, task schedule, etc) and this one is pretty frustrating.

    I'm seeing the same empty wake history after the system sleeps for one second, too.

    Very little has changed on my system around the time I noticed this change in behavior last week. I sure haven't installed any new hardware, updated drivers, etc that might account for the issue.

    I wonder if it could be a recent windows update? That would explain the coincidence of us both seeing the same problem at about the same time...

    I'd hate to have to resort to restoring from a backup, but unless something turns up soon I may have to use that sledgehammer, at least to pin down what happened. And I'd hate to spend all that time doing that, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'm also keen to get some help.

    My system is a pretty basic ASUS P8/Z68-V Pro.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 53,405
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Welcome to Seven Forums Deadeye. You can both use the lastwake command to perhaps see what is waking the computer.

    Lastwake Command

    A Guy
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5
    win-7 x64

    Thanks for responding.

    Sorry if I was not clear:

    I see the powercfg -lastwake result "lastwake after coldboot.png" (see attached) after cold-booting the system.

    I see the powercfg -lastwake retult "lastwake after wake.png" (attached) after putting my system to S3 sleep, which then immediately re-awakes.

    As I think I mentioned, this system has been sleeping properly for quite some time but at some point in the last few weeks something changed and now it no longer sleeps, it just wakes up again. And gives this odd lastwake result.

    I've tried just about everything - physically disconnect devices that can wake the system, wake_disarm them, review the recently installed apps (virtually none) for ideas, review the windows update list, comb through the event log, and search the internet.

    The fact that, like mgeocaris, I unable to get powercfg -lastwake to return the expected result leads me to think that something is broken at the OS level. I can't prove this, it's just a gut feeling at this point.

    Unless someone has ideas to try, my only option seems to be to start restoring the system from backups until I find one where sleep works and start comparing filesystem images. Not exactly what I was hoping to do today...

    Still, thanks for your interest, I hope somehow mgeocaris and I can figure out what's happened to our systems without resorting to ugly & time-consuming shotgun approaches.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Computer wakes 1 second after going to sleep-lastwake-after-coldboot.png   Computer wakes 1 second after going to sleep-lastwake-after-wake.png  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5
    win-7 x64

    A Guy said:
    Welcome to Seven Forums Deadeye. You can both use the lastwake command to perhaps see what is waking the computer.

    Lastwake Command

    A Guy
    Interesting, after responding I re-read the lastwake tutorial you referenced. The only thing I'm seeing on a sleep/wake cycle is this:

    The system has resumed from sleep.

    Sleep Time: ‎2012‎-‎08‎-‎26T17:39:43.556855200Z
    Wake Time: ‎2012‎-‎08‎-‎26T17:40:04.477055900Z

    Wake Source: Unknown
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 53,405
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Hmmm, it may be worthwhile to run the System File Checker

    SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker

    You have tried changing your power settings I assume? A clean start may allow you to see if it is something conflicting.

    Troubleshoot Application Conflicts by Performing a Clean Startup

    If you haven't already, you might also try the steps listed under My computer unexpectedly wakes from sleep at this link:

    Troubleshoot power problems

    A Guy
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    Do either of you have the mouse enabled as a wake device? "Mouse creep" could be waking it up.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
    win-7 x64


    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Actually I ended up restoring from a backup from a month ago. And now my system sleeps properly again.

    I wish there was a dif tool to compare WHS backups, that sure would help pinpoint what's going on...

    At this point I think while I'm at a known-good point I'll try running Windows Update first. That should reveal if my theory that it's windows-update-related holds any water.

    If that turns out negative, I'm not sure whether I'm going to roll forward to last night's backup or just stick with this working setup and re-install whatever apps seem to be missing. If at some point the sleep issues come back, I'll be sure to note it here.

    Either way, I'll post a note here. Hopefully someone will pin this down somehow.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 6,330
    Multi-Boot W7_Pro_x64 W8.1_Pro_x64 W10_Pro_x64 +Linux_VMs +Chromium_VM

    You could create an Energy report now while sleep is working and save the report.
    If sleep stops working, run another Energy report and compare the reports looking for differences.

    I've never had to compare reports like this, but it might be something worth trying to help figure out what changed.

    The elevated command prompt syntax to create an Energy report is:
    powercfg -energy

    hope this helps,
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 23
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Hi guys, sorry for the delay. I have tried all the fixes Deadeye mentioned as well as some on the links you provided, and I still have the same problem. I have the same motherboard as Deadeye as well. I attached my last "powercfg -energy" report, there is a lot of usb devices not going into suspend in there, maybe that is the problem?

    Many thanks
    Computer wakes 1 second after going to sleep Attached Files
      My Computer

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