Is it ok to run defrag and use the computer normally?
I was wondering if i could run a defrag and still use my computer for normal use
I was wondering if i could run a defrag and still use my computer for normal use
Doing a defrag and using the computer normally is done by many. Some have it schedule to do at a particular time. I don't do it that way. When I defrag I do nothing else on that computer. It's faster and IMO more precise. With your 250 gig hard drive it wouldn't take long.
I have an idea
Could I disable all startup items(including antivirus) + non windows services
and do the defrag
then enable start up items + non windows services?
No worries or problems I was just curious.
Do you suggest any software?
I'm using defraggler
Last edited by microbillgates; 26 Aug 2012 at 10:04. Reason: grammar error
I have tried many with Windows 7 and in my opinion the built in Windows 7 defrag works as well if not better then the others. Just go to Start and type in defrag. My understanding it was designed by Diskeeper for Microsoft. You won't get and any little jumping around little squares, it just defrags.
12% fragmented
Should I defrag now?
Also should SFC scan
once a month?
I put Windows built-in defrag on a weekly schedule about 18 months ago.
I never manually defrag, but I check the amount of fragmentation every couple of months just to check.
Fragmentation is now shown as 0 percent and has never been above 5.
I'd suggest you use the built-in defragger on a weekly schedule and largely ignore it thereafter. Fragmentation levels have to get very high to have a noticeable effect anyway.
I run sfc /scannow every 2 or 3 months.