He wants to keep the aero effect. With a basic theme, you lose aero.
Maybe this will do the job: Action Center > Troubleshooting > Change Settings > tick -Off- under Computer Maintenance. You will loose all messages, not only the graphic related ones, but then it's just a matter of running it with -On- now and then to check, if you feel it's needed.
You should not have that error message if you're running Win7 on adequate hardware. I would look at upgrading my video adapter since the rest of your posted hardware specs are plenty.
It can also depend upon a lean perfect install of Win7 running a Clean Boot (no startups except AV, gadgets, stickies) installed and maintained using the Best Practices in Clean Reinstall Windows 7.
I only have had to edit visual effects as mentioned in 4gb- RAM installs. The target items which hog resources but aren't noticeable when disabled are sliding, fading, dragging intact, selection rectangle.
Last edited by gregrocker; 30 Aug 2012 at 11:20.
It's apparently when Windows Desktop manager is regularly under heavy load that it generates the error OP is experiencing logged at the top of Advanced Tools page accessed by clicking your WEI score link at Computer>Properties.
I have only seen this error on installations with less than 4gb RAM. It will typically go away when Visual effects are edited of fading, sliding, draggin intact and selection rectangle which place extra demands on system resources.
Sometimes if it is accompanied by hanging or any other slowness it requires hardware upgrade of the weak component.
Are you referencing a post of mine, because I have not used that word that I can see?