Generate Thumbs.db
How can I generate the thumbs.db so that it is stored locally in the folder - NOT in thumbcache_*.db inside C:\Users\User-Name\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer
I want the thumbs.db right inside the folder stored - like XP did. Is there a way to force this or create/refresh it on demand?
Already read Brinks article here: Thumbnail Cache - Enable or Disable and I also was asking a similar question which was specifically for portable drives which behave differently if I got that correctly.
This question is for local drives.
ONE of the reasons why I am asking this.... it seems that the windows thumbnail cache is storing the thumbnails depending on the location of the file - not a specific file itself. this means If it caches the contents of a folder and I move this folder to a different location it will start caching again.
I hope to avoid this behavior if the thumbs.db is stored right inside the folder because I think Windows will use the the thumbs.db inside the folder - as long as the filenames are intact.