Turn it on...get a coffee
A Guy
120 secs
Does it count the time, including the password-protected Log-on screen at startup as well?
Last edited by SelenaGomezFan; 26 Jan 2018 at 04:17.
Hi and welcome to SevenForums,
Yea I believe it does it doesn't count how long it takes to enter a password though :/
Been a while since doing this
Probably security/ msi afterburner slowing it down otherwise Acer about the same,
Using msconfig and Boot and changing it to 4 seconds does shave a little off the time,
Asus 1 second longer not bad for all the extra crap on it :)
Hello Guys, and moin moin
i am at 35 secs according to that script
but boinc didnt finish load till there
Mine was 36 seconds.
I split this time and I got:
24 seconds - Total time to power off computer.
12 seconds - Time to load Windows.