Low performance: Which programs don't need to run at start-up?
Hi guys,
My laptop performance (Lenovo Thinkpad,T510i) is really low and I tried all kind of things (though I don't understand much). I even installed the CCleaner which I run regular...
The Windows troubleshooter is asking me to prevent programs from running at startup but how do I know if I need them or not?
Here is the list:
- Synaptics Pointing Device Driver
- On screen display
- TpShocks
- SAIICpl Application
- Interl(R) Common Interface
- Interl(R) Common Interface
- ThinkVantage Communications Utility
- AcWin7Hlpr
- (default)
- HPUsage Tracking
- Apple Push
- AVG Internet Security
- vProt
- HPStatusAlerts
- hpwuSchd Application
- Java(TM) Platfrom SE Auto Updater
- Digital Line Detection
Would be really great if you can help me out :)
Thanks a lot! Adjoa