Thanks Layback Bear for answering. I appreciate your and other members expert support assistance.
Care to answer my post on Video and Power plans?
Thanks Layback Bear for answering. I appreciate your and other members expert support assistance.
Care to answer my post on Video and Power plans?
I don't use laptops or sleep/hibernation on any of my system.
So I would not be the best member to give guidance on such matters.
My power plan is simple.
If the computer is on I'm using it.
When I'm not using it I turn it off.
It only takes a few seconds to boot so I really don't see a need for Sleep/Hibernation.
Have a question that might sound silly to most of you experts.
Just finished restoring the last created image, updating all apps, updates, softwares, ran CCleaner reg scan that showed a lot of invalid reg entries. Silverlight , Invalid X etc.
With out making a back up, ran fix issues.
The laptop is running fine, my question is should I have made a back up of the invalid reg entries or/and ran fix issues in safe mode or it doesn't matter?
OR should I again restore the full image back up and go through the ordeal of updating?
Hoping to hear from you as always.
Most here will say you should have done one of two things:
Don't use the registry cleaner.
If you do use it, accept CCleaner's offer to backup the registry entries before you make changes.
You did neither.
Considering where you are now, I'd just keep on using the system as is. In the future, make one of the two above choices. I wouldn't bother with restoring your image again unless you develop significant problems. Don't speculate on whether that will happen.
Thanks for sharing your expert advice and giving me some peace of mind.
Restoring a back up is no big deal but updating the OS etc is a pain.
I get those Silverlight warnings and I just remove them and have had no problems.
ACCEPTING Ccleaner backup is always a good option.
Last edited by Layback Bear; 03 Jun 2014 at 20:39. Reason: correcting a bobo.
Thanks Layback Bear for the advice shall keep it in mind in future to make a back up just in case.
Thanks Gary I have corrected my post #16.
@ Alexey2912 Please read post # 16 again. I made a correction.