High RAM usage - don't know why

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  1. Posts : 4,566
    Windows 10 Pro

    post a resource monitor screenshot of ram usage. like stated above
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    You're running Chrome which will hog RAM resources. The CCC (Catalyst Control Center) is a very big hog as well and not really needed, you can use w7 tools for display adjustments.
    Your system has been up for more than 12 hours in the snip, reboot and see what you get.

    Type msconfig in the start search and tap enter. In the Startup tab, uncheck everything except your Anit Virus and firewall, reboot and test.
      My Computer

  3.    #13

    Good catches, Gary. I strongly agree with all.

    Servilo Service is also suspect. Never install streaming software which is really spyware in disguise, and can be as pernicious as porn players. Anything that's legit should play in the browser, on Windows Media Player or VLC open-source player. This is an example of sneakware that gets in during torrenting which can also lace files with malware and spyware.

    So I would run not only a full Malwarebytes scan but also full SUPERAntiSpyware
    scan to root out any of this crap lodged in registry. Check your browser for add-ons allowing none but Flash and Reader. I do not use Chrome because it's pernicious spyware and too heavy on resources. Firefox is the opposite.

    If it doesn't settle down after everything but AV is unchecked in msconfig>Startup and >Services (after Hiding All MS Services) then I'd swap out Avast for MSE to see the difference. Avast has bloated up to where it is no longer co-recommended here with MSE.
    Last edited by gregrocker; 20 Jun 2014 at 11:04.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,322
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Sorry, I may have started this by asking for the resource monitor when it was already in the first post.

      My Computer

  5.    #15

    Can you read that type? I can't, even if I increase size or magnify. Only thing readable here is Processes.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,322
    Win 10 Pro x64

    If I enlarge the original in the first post it's a little easier, I still don't see any obvious reason it's using that much RAM.

    I know Chrome is a hog but I'm still not using half my RAM,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails High RAM usage - don't know why-my-resource.jpg  
      My Computer

  7.    #17

    Could be system instability caused by infection or damaged System files causing monitor to misreport. If he's running utorrent streaming then he's been at their mercy to put anything they want on his system.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,449
    Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit

    One thing i would try if you can is to up the amount of ram in your system as doing that will help quite a bit. Also completely exit and stop all processes for utorrent as that is showing up as using the biggest amount of ram.
      My Computer

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