RE: Scary-ware was installed & need to fix mother-in-law's PC

  1. Posts : 59
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    RE: Scary-ware was installed & need to fix mother-in-law's PC

    Good day to everyone!

    Apparently, everyone knows that I'm working on our home computers so they decided mother-in-laws PC needed to be tossed in there as well, LOL.

    Short background

    She has a Compaq Presario desktop, originally came with Vista. Back in 2012, we purchased the Win 7 upgrade for her and installed it. She rarely had troubles.

    Then, last week, the grandson's came over and were playing with it and, apparently tried to download something on it and it didn't work. I guess it messed it up enough that they realized there was a problem but didn't know how to fix it.

    Needless to say, when she called me last night to say her computer was really funky, I went and brought the tower over here to look at.

    There were all sorts of strange screens continually popping up - a variety of supposed backup programs that kept insisting that stuff needed to be backed up, several of those nasty registry restore programs, pc fixer programs and Norton was back on, Mcafee, avg, a bunch of google stuff, my pcbackup, bettermark it, advanced system protector and a bunch of others.

    Several of these supposed fixer programs kept coming up and just automatically starting scans, stating that they were in the process of fixing things and wouldn't even close out for me unless I continually kept hitting the x button. One would never close at all, the best that I could do was minimize it.

    There were progress bars from all sorts of things going over the screen and I'm thinking no wonder she called in a panic.

    The only things I had her running was security essentials and malware bytes and I couldn't even find malwarebytes on the computer.

    Anyhow, all of her photos and documents are and have been backed up - I'm very particular about that. So, no worries there. She isn't a heavy user of her PC anyhow. Some bill-paying online, saves some photos, facebook for friends and family, e-mail and I think she plays solitaire. She doesn't even listen to music or play any other online games.

    So, I used her windows 7 upgrade disc to do a custom install but noticed that there were 3 windows old files this morning when I sat down to really start doing things.
    There is the windows old from when we upgraded from vista to 7, one from last week - so I don't know what the boys did and then there is the current one from me just last night.

    My first question is - is it totally safe to completely remove those folders and everything in them, no matter what type of message comes up on the screen saying that it is a system file?

    My 2nd question is this - how do I know that all of that scaryware is gone, gone, gone?

    Where should I proceed from here and what are the best steps to take?

    I didn't notice or maybe don't know how to do what I think would be a clean install as to totally wiping the driving and starting over with just windows 7 but maybe you can't do that type of thing with just an upgrade disc?

    I also have the windows 7 install disc that was created from my acer system and yes, that does read and open on her computer but I don't know if it is really any different from her upgrade 7 disk?

    She doesn't have any factory recovery disks but I'm wondering if that would have helped anyhow because it would have just reloaded vista right back on it? Not sure if that is existent anywhere on her hard drive??

    Anyhow, sort of at a loss here and any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks much!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,904
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    To make sure it has fully gone, run a full system scan.
    CCleaner to clean up the registry (allow it to make a back up)
    i guess its gust a waiting game to see if this stuff pops up again.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 12,012
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit

    Yes her recovery disks would take her back to Vista, which you don't want.

    You can do a clean install from an upgrade disc, assuming it's a bona fide disk and you have the Product Key for that upgrade disc.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,566
    Windows 10 Pro

    You should be fine.

    You can scan with a full scan to be sure using the following programs I recommend:

    I advise you to install and use the following security programs so you do not get infected again:

    -Panda antivirus -You can only have 1 antivirus installed at a time, I recommend using this one and uninstalling what you are using now.

    -Should I remove it

    Run them around once every 2 weeks.

    Should I remove it is not a malware scanner. What it does is it looks at all of the installed programs on your PC and gives you a percentage % of how many people uninstall the software. If the percentage % is high, I would remove it as it is most likely not a good program. It also gives a ton of information about what the program does and how it behaves.

    I also suggest using a standard user account in windows, and only using an admin account when you need to install software:

    User Account - Create

    When using a standard account and you make a change or install a program that affects the whole system, UAC will prompt you to continue. Make sure the setting or program you are tying to install is listed, then click yes to continue. If you are just browsing the web and the prompt appears with a program you have not heard of, or do not know what it is, it is much safer to click no then yes. No will block the action, and if you were trying to do something, you can always start it again and choose yes.

    UAC makes this easy, see here:

    What is user account control (UAC)?

    I also suggest choosing always notify for UAC:

    What are User Account Control settings?

    I also recommend that you use bleeping computers suggestions which can be found here:

    How to keep your computer safe online

    So how Did I get Infected?

    Those are my recommendations to you, and I Highly suggest you follow them.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6,741
    W7 Pro x64 SP1 | W10 Pro IP x64 | W8.1 Pro x64 VM | Linux Mint VM

    ignatzatsonic said:
    You can do a clean install from an upgrade disc, assuming it's a bona fide disk and you have the Product Key for that upgrade disc.
    That's exactly the way I'd go.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 25,847
    Windows 10 Pro. 64/ version 1709 Windows 7 Pro/64

    I would also do a Clean Install.

    I highly recommend changing all passwords on everything.
    One of those hellish programs might of stolen passwords for banking and bill paying. I would notify the bank of a possible password stolen and watch the account closely.
      My Computer

  7.    #7

    Everything needed is here for a perfect Clean Reinstall - Factory OEM Windows 7.
      My Computer


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