Windows 7 Ultimate ram usage

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  1. Posts : 4,776
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    RAM Usage

    As far as I can work out the answer supplied by Joey T Jet here is about right:

    Windows 7 High ram usage after some time - Microsoft Community

    On the other hand if you want something like RAM Booster that you were using before you could try MZ RAM Booster and set it to recover RAM as per whatever settings you choose to apply. However since Windows releases RAM on an as and when needed basis - I guess that using such software is a waste of time.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,497
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

    Please do not use any kind of RAM booster, optimizer, cleaner, etc. Windows 7 has excellent memory management and has no need of and will not benefit from these products. Windows is more than capable of recovering memory on it's own, when it is needed. David Solomon and Mark Russinovich, both well known Windows experts, were high critical of these programs in the Microsoft publication "Windows Internals", 5th edition.

    The only very dubious benefit of these programs is to make the numbers in Task Manager more attractive to those who do not understand them.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    Here is a snip of your resmon and mine together. Notice the In Use figures aren't much different, I only had IE11 with one tab open at the time. Note what Available RAM is, processes can and do share it if it's needed. The same with Windows, it only caches RAM unless it's needed by another process.

    In you resource Manager/Memory tab, click on the Private(KB) column to sort the highest figure to the top. This will let you see better what is using RAM that can't be used for anything else.

    One problem I see is you have only 4GB RAM installed, possibly in only one module. The sweet spot is 8GB with 16GB being very common, as I have. I would recommend upgrading RAM to at least 8GB, preferably as a 2x4GB matched kit to run in dual channel mode.

    I have maxed out my 16GB but only while running benchmarks since I do crazy overclocking.

    Windows 7 Ultimate ram usage-resmon.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 25,847
    Windows 10 Pro. 64/ version 1709 Windows 7 Pro/64

    The first lesson I learned when I went to Windows 7 from XP; DON'T try to tweak Windows 7 like we did in XP. Forget about how XP tweaks. It's dead and gone. RIP.

    Window 7 will manage the ram better than the whole of us will ever do.
    Just let Windows 7 do the job it was designed to do.
    The only improvement we as mortals can do to help Windows 7 with ram management is add more ram.
    If one has a problem with a program eating up ram or bleed ram it not a ram problem. It's a program problem.
    A clean shut down and boot will also help Windows 7 manage the ram.
    It is still legal to shut down a computer without using sleep or hibernation.
    Try it and Windows 7 will thank you.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    Well said Layback Bear, I never leave a system up for 101 days. I reboot at least once a day, maybe more often. Rebooting is beneficial to a Windows system, even was with eXPired systems..
      My Computer

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