Show Us Your WEI

  1. Posts : 121
    Win7, XP, Vista x64, Ubuntu 9.04

    My lowest is 5.7 on the processor and memory. I know when I get the final version, I will be using the 64bit on this system to take advantage of the full 4GB... and maybe future upgrade to 8GB.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your WEI-w7wei.jpg  
      My Computer

  2.    #1052

    zephram said:
    Check this out! screen cap attached and not photoshopped

    Now thats a nice score
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 21
    Windows 7 Build 7137

    Another thing noticed is that my memory scores lower in x64 at 5.9 than x86 at 7.2 every other number is the same
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 242
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit RTM

    Too bad I can't get the 7.6 or 7.7 from my CPU and memory. So I guess my EVGA GTX 285 SC is my bottleneck now? LOL. Well, I have no interest in doing SLI again (did that with two 8800GTX and two 7600GT cards in previous systems), so I'll have to live with my 6.6, hehehe.

    Windows RC-1 64-bit (straight from ISO of RC-1).

    Also, on first run, my RAID 0 of SSDs scored 7.3, and on the second it scored 7.4. It seems to vary I guess?

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 355
    Windows 7 Professional X64

    Here is Mine.
    the ram should be higher as it is 1066 but running at 800???
    well yea the CPu is a E1400 OC'd to 2.86
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your WEI-wei.jpg  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 268
    Windows® 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Here's my latest WEI score...
    Just Joking!!!!
    I hacked it...LOL

    The Real score is the one on the right...hehe!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your WEI-wei-cheat-score-lol.jpg   Show Us Your WEI-wei-real-score.jpg  
    Last edited by MUff1N; 27 Jun 2009 at 08:24.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 918
    Windows 7 Professional, Windows Longhorn 4074

    Can you make it say anything above 7.9 by hacking?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 268
    Windows® 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    ikilledkenny said:
    Can you make it say anything above 7.9 by hacking?
    Yea, you can go as high as 9.9
    But that would be spotted to be a fake immediately because it's not supposed to go any higher than 7.9...

    Info on how to do this & no reboot is required so you can check the
    WEI as you do it to make sure you are editing the correct numbers.

    The Windows System Assessment Tool (WinSAT), is a free benchmarking tool that measures various performance characteristics and capabilities of a computer running in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 & Windows 7.
    The ratings are displayed as Windows Experience Index or WEI score.

    The hack stuff:
    WinSAT saves the scores in a XML file located in the Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore folder.
    Each time you perform benchmarking using WinSAT, it creates a new XML file and stores it in this folder.
    All you have to do is to open the latest XML file and edit it using WORDPAD.


    Fun stuff: Modify your WEI score and show it to your friends just for fun.

    What this looks like in Wordpad & the numbers to be changed.
    (This is just the first part of it as the data is quite extensive & is toward the top or start of it)

    System Assessment Tool</Title><ModulePath>C:\Windows\system32\winsat.exe</ModulePath><CmdLine><![CDATA["C:\Windows\system32\winsat.exe" formal -cancelevent cf218779-9458-4221-bd5f-311f3dfce91f]]></CmdLine><Note><![CDATA[]]></Note></ProgramInfo><SystemEnvironment><ExecDateTOD Friendly="Thursday June 25, 2009 2:42:05am">733583:9725092</ExecDateTOD><IsOfficial>1</IsOfficial><IsFormal/><RanOverTs>0</RanOverTs><RanOnBatteries>0</RanOnBatteries></SystemEnvironment><WinSPR><SystemScore>7.9</SystemScore><MemoryScore>7.9</MemoryScore><CpuScore>7.9</CpuScore><CPUSubAggScore>6.4</CPUSubAggScore><VideoEncodeScore>7.9</VideoEncodeScore><GraphicsScore>7.9</GraphicsScore><Dx9SubScore>6</Dx9SubScore><Dx10SubScore>6.8</Dx10SubScore><GamingScore>7.9</GamingScore><StdDefPlaybackScore>TRUE</StdDefPlaybackScore><HighDefPlaybackScore>TRUE</HighDefPlaybackScore><DiskScore>7.9
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 918
    Windows 7 Professional, Windows Longhorn 4074

    I got a 3.1 on my craptop. Nobody would buy it if I stuck in a 4! :)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 268
    Windows® 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    ikilledkenny said:
    I got a 3.1 on my craptop. Nobody would buy it if I stuck in a 4! :)
    They might if you were trying to sell it though & they didn't know anything about computers...
      My Computer


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