Seems to be a good score to get a better one you should get a new HD.
first hi all,im new here but long time reader.
anyway heres my score
not bad for a phenom
Here my score for 2 pc, hp tx2030e operating system win7 32bit, and Toshiba Q F50 operating system win7 64bit......
i just installed win7 2 days
I started my Windows 7 partition up in Parallels Desktop for Mac, with 2MB graphics memory, 256MB ram, and 1 processor :O, I might post the screenies soon of the desktop and of my wei lol, it really cut down the graphics quality LOL... it worked though :O
Here's my scores before and after my recent upgrade of CPU and motherboard.
not very high but i'm happy with at least its laptop
my WEI is 3.0, but I can't understand why...
in the graphics -> desktop performance for windows Aero -> 3.0
in the Gamig graphics -> 3D business and gamimg graphics performanca -> 4.0
the other items are all near 7...
My PC is:
intel core quad Cpu q9550@ 2.83 ghz
4 gb ram (3.25 usable)
nvidia geforce 9800GT
if this is not the right place to post these questions i'm sorry but this is my firt post...
hi faltinhas, welcome to the forums,
your graphics card should give much better performance than that! have you downloaded the latest drivers from nvidia?