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  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 RTM

    No bad for a laptop... check out the SSD score 7.7 out of 7.9

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 113
    windows 7 ultimate final Office 2007,27 Quad IMAC vm 7 64 bit

    DJG said:
    Photography is also my PC's main function, aside from being itself . I am now using Lightroom as my main image software but have CS4 Suite too. But no Mac for moi ever.

    For reference, how do you get the second PSU to light up - don't they normally have to be plugged into a motherboard to function? Something with the front panel switch connections?

    Happy shooting!
    Sent you private message with address for how to hook up 2nd power supply, not sure yet on giving links public if it works post it please , I have been using 2 power supplies for about 3 years, the opterons really use it.

    Grew up on Long Island been in Alaska for 35 years.
    The relay is simple automotive relay, available at radio shack or Napa or where ever
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  3. Posts : 113
    windows 7 ultimate final Office 2007,27 Quad IMAC vm 7 64 bit

    only go around once I have been using 2 power supplies for years it works, same front panel switch on main computer starts and stops both. To house the second supply I used second case with mother board mounting removed so It opens both sides.

    Actually I had a spare power supply and was having power problems instead of buying an even bigger supply I used both. How many of you have second or third power supply collecting dust? Why not in an active computer?
    Last edited by fireman604; 17 Aug 2009 at 17:15. Reason: reason for 2 power supplies
      My Computer

  4. DJG
    Posts : 1,008
    Windows 7 RTM x64

    fireman604 said: I have been using 2 power supplies for years it works, same front panel switch on main computer starts and stops both. To house the second supply I used second case with mother board mounting removed so It opens both sides.

    Actually I had a spare power supply and was having power problems instead of buying an even bigger supply I used both. How many of you have second or third power supply collecting dust? Why not in an active computer?
    Thanks! Links of this kind are fine, nothing illegal going on :). This is a nice way to separate the DVD / harddrives from the MB stuff.

    PS - I love Long Island in the fall. How's Alaska image-wise? Must be some pretty nice scenery up there!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4
    Windows 7

    Desktop WEI

    and this is my desktop WEI score .. not much higher than my laptop, and i am really curious as to why
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your WEI-wei.png  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 113
    windows 7 ultimate final Office 2007,27 Quad IMAC vm 7 64 bit

    DJG said:
    Thanks! Links of this kind are fine, nothing illegal going on :). This is a nice way to separate the DVD / harddrives from the MB stuff.

    PS - I love Long Island in the fall. How's Alaska image-wise? Must be some pretty nice scenery up there!
    Basically what I do. Operating system one power supply DVDs and other drives other power supply.

    I look out at Kachemak Bay across to 3 of 5 glaciers scenic a good word. Three different ma Moose had twins in yard. They spend summer playing in pond 75 feet from my side deck. Yes I take lots of pictures. I am only 230 road miles from Anchorage and 11 miles from town. Not a bad place to be. Temperature this summer topped out at 70 with 23 hours of day light. We are now moving toward equnox 12 and 12 then to the short cold days and we start all over. 5 pm 59 degrees and sunny. Last piece of Road still connected to rest of the US and Canada.
      My Computer

  7. DJG
    Posts : 1,008
    Windows 7 RTM x64

    Yeah, well, I had a mama racoon and her kid in my rafters for a couple of months, so there . I finally drove them off with good'ol Rock&Roll - they do not like loud music.

    Happy shooting (photos, not guns)!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 113
    windows 7 ultimate final Office 2007,27 Quad IMAC vm 7 64 bit

    no racoons, porcupines ,dogs love em vets love them I hate them, moose bear coyote and bald eagles are very common, yesterday there were a dozen sand hill cranes My idea of shooting is with the camera, enjoy the day
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 Professional

    Mine: Show Us Your WEI-wei.png
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 41
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (RTM)

    Show Us Your WEI-wei.png

    I need an SSD ><
      My Computer


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